Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT)

The RTGF is a Spanish network devoted to the interplay between Geometry and Physics, with special emphasis in the areas of gauge theory, moduli spaces, topological invariants, symplectic geometry, quantum field theory and string theory.

This is the current list of members of the RTGF. RTGF is open to other people interested in these subjects.

Network Team

  • Óscar García-Prada (ICMAT, Network Coordinator)
  • David Alfaya Sánchez (UPCO)
  • Jaume Amorós Torrent (UPC)
  • Javier Aramayona Delgado (ICMAT)
  • Mario García Fernández (ICMAT since 2024, formerly UAM)
  • Ignasi Mundet i Riera (UB)
  • Francisco Presas Mata (ICMAT)
  • Roberto Rubio Núñez (UAB)
  • Carlos Tejero Prieto (USAL)
  • Luis Ugarte Vilumbrales (UniZar)

Network Members

  • ICMAT-CSIC – Geometry and Mathematical Physics
    • Group members: Oscar García Prada (ICMAT-CSIC, Group Representative and Network Coordinator), Luis Álvarez Cónsul (ICMAT-CSIC), Mathieu Ballandras (ICMAT-CSIC) Guillermo Barajas Ayuso (ICMAT-UAM), Guillermo Gallego Sánchez (ICMAT-UCM), Jesús Aguado López (ICMAT-CSIC), Miguel González (ICMAT-CSIC), Diego Ruiz Cases (ICMAT-CSIC), Oscar Macià Juan (Universidad de Valencia).
    • Main research topics: Moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, character varieties of surface groups, higher Teichmüller theory, gauge theories in Kähler varieties, Langlands duality and mirror symmetry, non-commutative integrable systems, quaternionic geometry.
  • ICMAT-CSIC – Algebraic Geometry, Symplectic Topology and Contact Topology.
    • Group members: Francisco Presas Mata (ICMAT-CSIC, Group Representative), Tomás Gómez de Quiroga (ICMAT-CSIC), Robert Cardona (ICMAT-CSIC), Francisco Javier Martínez Aguinaga (ICMAT), Dahyana Farias Uncovich (ICMAT), Wei Zhou (ICMAT), Guillermo Sánchez (ICMAT), Didac Aris (ICMAT), Sergio Sierra (ICMAT), Samuel Ranz (ICMAT), Alfonso Zamora (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).
    • Main research topics: Moduli spaces of contact structures, orderability of contact structures, derived categories and semiorthogonal decompositions, automorphism groups of moduli spaces.
  • ICMAT-CSIC: Geometric Group Theory
    • Group members: Javier Aramayona Delgado (ICMAT-CSIC, Group Representative), Andrei Jaikin Zapirain (ICMAT-UAM), Yago Antolín Pichel (ICMAT-UCM), Alejandra Garrido Angulo (ICMAT-UAM), Federico Cantero Morán (ICMAT-UAM), Caterina Campagnolo (ICMAT-UAM), Dominik Francoeur (ICMAT-CSIC), Rodrigo de Pool (ICMAT-CSIC), Sergio Domingo Zubiaga (ICMAT-CSIC), Jan Boschheidgen (ICMAT-UAM), Iván Chércoles (ICMAT-UCM), Henrique A. Mendes da Silva e Souza (ICMAT-UAM), Pablo Sánchez Peralta (ICMAT-UAM), Sergio García (ICMAT-UAM).
    • Main research topics: Group theory from the geometric, topological, asymptotic and logarithmic point of view; hyperbolic structures in low-dimensional manifolds and their deformation spaces, automorphism groups of surface groups, free partially commutative groups; geometric and topological invariants in low-dimensional manifolds.
    • Group members: Mario García Fernández (ICMAT-CSIC since 2024, formerly ICMAT-UAM, Group Representative), Emilio Franco Gómez (UAM), Arpan Saha (ICMAT), King Leung Lee (ICMAT-UAM), Andoni de Arriba de la Hera (ICMAT-UCM), Raúl González Molina (ICMAT- UAM), Roberto Téllez (ICMAT-UAM).
    • Main research topics: Hull-Strominger system; canonical metrics in complex geometry, generalised geometry and gauge theories; mirror symmetry; vertex algebras; higher gauge theories.
  • UPCO
    • Group members: David Alfaya Sánchez (UPCO, Group Representative), Luis Ángel Calvo Pascual (UPCO).
    • Main research topics: Symmetries and Torelli-type theorems of moduli spaces of bundles with additional structure; algebraic and topological properties of moduli spaces of bundles with additional structure; real structures in moduli spaces of parabolic bundles and quiver bundles; transfer of geometric techniques to applications in information geometry and data science.
  • USAL
    • Group members: Carlos Tejero Prieto (Universidad de Salamanca, Group Representative),Daniel Hernández Ruipérez (USAL), Fernando Sancho de Salas (USAL), Carlos Sancho de Salas (USAL), Ana Cristina López Martín (USAL), Beatriz Graña Otero (USAL), Darío Sánchez Gómez (USAL), Daniel Hernández Serrano (USAL) Javier Sánchez González (USAL), Juan Francisco Torres Sancho (USAL), Alicia Pérez González (USAL).
    • Main research topics: Geometric constructions and their supersymmetric extensions; topological analysis in complex data networks; algebraic geometry and finite spaces; relative geometry techniques.
    • Group members: Luis Ugarte Vilumbrales (UNIZAR, Group Representative), Adela Latorre Larrodé (UPM), Víctor Manuel Manero García (UNIZAR), Antonio Otal Germán (CUD-UNIZAR), Raquel Villacampa Gutiérrez (CUD-UNIZAR).
    • Main research topics: Homogeneous spaces with special geometric structures (balanced Hermitian, pluriclosed, G2); anomaly flow in the Hull-Strominger system; Laplacian flow and coflow in G2 manifolds; Hermitian manifolds with Kähler-type curvature; cohomological aspects of manifolds with special geometric structures.
  • UB
    • Group members: Ignasi Mundet i Riera (UB, Group Representative), Carles Casacuberta i Vergés (UB), Carlos d’Andrea (UB), Ricardo García López (UB), Javier Gutiérrez Marín (UB), Joan Carles Naranjo del Val (UB), Joana Cirici Núñez (UB), Martí Lahoz Vilalta (UB), Jordi Daura Serrano (UB).
    • Main research topics: Moduli spaces of Higgs bundles on curves; Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence of Higgs pairs; stability conditions in derived categories; moduli spaces of curves and abelian varieties; homotopic theory of operads; Hodge theory; homotopy theory.
  • UAB
    • Group members: Roberto Rubio Nuñez (UAB, Group Representative), Joan Porti Piqué (UAB), Wolfgang Pitsch (UAB), Florent Balacheff (UAB).
    • Main research topics: Generalised geometry; low-dimensional manifolds; systolic geometry and topology; equivariant homotopy theory; modular group.
  • UPC
    • Group members: Jaume Amorós Torrent (UPC, Group Representative), Maria Alberich-Carramiñana (UPC), Imma Gálvez (UPC), Joaquim Brugués (UPC), Robert Cardona (UPC), Franco Coltraro (UPC), Pau Mir (UPC), Pablo Nicolás Martínez (UPC), Soren Dyhr (UPC-ICMAT), Josep Fontana McNally (UPC-ICMAT). Diego Ruiz Cases (ICMAT-CSIC), Oscar Macià Juan (Universidad de Valencia).
    • Main research topics: Symplectic and Poisson geometry, specially in relation with dynamical systems and fluid mechanics; homotopic algebra and higher structures; cosmology; quantum loop cosmology; quintessence; corrections to general relativity; robotic manipulation of fabrics: mechanical simulation, state perception, control.



Red Temática de Geometría y Física (RTGF)

Red Temática de Geometría y Física (RTGF)