Related Networks
Future activities:
Reunión Red Temática de Geometría y Física (RTGF) - 26-29 de Noviembre de 2024
Geometry Seminars at ICMAT
Past activities:
Algebro-geometric techniques for physics: bundles, stacks and supergeometry: A celebration of Daniel Hernández-Ruipérez’s 70th Birthday, July 2024
Special Semester on Poisson Geometry: icmat-crm April-October 2022
Opening of the Hitchin-Ngô ICMAT Laboratory (Madrid) via Zoom 16 June 2021, 15:00 – 17:35
Global Poisson Seminar
Research Program on Moduli Spaces
ICMAT, Madrid, 15 September - 15 December 2018.
Focus Program on Poisson Geometry and Physics at the Fields Institute
1 June - 31 July 2018.
Follow-up of the Research Programme on Geometry and Dynamical Systems at CRM-Barcelona
Centre de Recerca Matemática, Barcelona, June - July 2017.
The Geometry, Topology and Physics of Moduli Spaces of Higgs Bundles
, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, 7 July - 29 August 2014.
Research Term on the Geometry and Physics of Moduli Spaces
ICMAT, Madrid, 14 April - 11 July 2014.
Workshop on the Geometry and Physics of Moduli Spaces
, Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid, Spain), 16-20 June 2014.
IV International School on Geometry and Physics: The Geometry and Physics of Moduli Spaces
, Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid, Spain), 19-23 May 2014.
Research Programme on Geometry and Dynamics of Integrable Systems.
Barcelona, CRM, 9 September - 20 November 2013.
Research Programme on Geometry and Quantization of Moduli Spaces
, CRM (Barcelona), March-June 2012.
Topological Quantum Field Theories (organized jointly with the
Red Española de Topología
). Univ. Barcelona. 2 Dec 2011.
Semester on Moduli Spaces (Spain), January-June 2008.
International School on Geometry and Physics: Moduli spaces in geometry, topology and physics, Castro Urdiales (Cantabria, Spain). 25-29 Feb 2008.
Geometry Conference in honour of Nigel Hitchin
Mathematics for Peace and Development, Córdoba University (Spain), 17- 23 July, 2006
Thursday, 7 September, 2006, 19:30-21:00: Round table.
Nuevas interacciones entre Geometría y Física:Encuentro con Nigel Hitchin. (Con motivo del
Geometry Conference in honour of Nigel Hitchin onthe occasion of his 60th birthday
Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid.
Lecture ``
Einstein's legacy in geometry
''. Nigel Hitchin. 8 March 2005. CSIC, Madrid.
First meeting RTGF. Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, 24-28 November 2003.
Red Temática de Geometría y Física (RTGF)