

On Monday the prizes will be conferred at the main building at ICMAT (Nicolás Cabrera Street 13-15, 28049 Madrid). A bus will leave the CSIC at Serrano street intersection with Pedro de Valdivia street, 28006 Madrid at 9 in the morning (please be there in time). The venue of the first day will be ICMAT. Lunch will be provided by the organization.

From Tuesday to Friday the venue will be the Main building at CSIC (Serrano Street 117, 28006 Madrid).

On Tuesday at 18:30 will be a special session on YouTube of Matemáticas en la Residencia around the figure of Emmy Noether.

The gala dinner (included with the registration fee) will take place on Thursday at Restaurante Jai Alai. C. de Balbina Valverde, 2, 28002 Madrid (see map here).


  • Morning: Chenchang Zhu
  • Afternoon: Cédric Oms
  • Morning: Rui Loja Fernandes
  • Afternoon: Cédric Oms
  • Morning: David Iglesias
  • Morning: Manuel de León
  • Afternoon: Henrique Bursztyn
  • Morning: Eckhard Meinrenken


Booklet of abstracts

SpeakerAbstractSlides of Talks
Anton AlexeevVirasoro Hamiltonian spaces
Daniel ÁlvarezOn 2-shifted lagrangian groupoids and Poisson geometrySlides
Francis BischoffRepresentations of weighted homogeneous groupoidsSlides
Marius CrainicThe Ambrose-Singer theorem and Lie brackets
Marco GualtieriGeneralized Kahler metrics as Lagrangian branes in double symplectic groupoids
Alberto IbortThe groupoidal picture of Quantum Mechanics: the classical and semiclassical limits
Yael KarshonGeometric quantization of Lagrangian torus fibrationsSlides
Honglei LangMultiplicative multivector fields and forms on Lie groupoidsSlides
Yiannis LoizidesTransversely symplectic Riemannian foliations and [Q,R]=0
Jiang-Hua LuCluster algebras of finite type and Bott-Samelson varieties
Ryszard NestTowards resolutions of singularities of Poisson structures
Álvaro del PinoHaefliger structures and wrinklingSlides
Nikolai ReshetikhinOn superintegrability
Roberto RubioGeneralized geometry for 3-manifoldsSlides
María Amelia Salazar PinzónRelative cohomology for Lie groupoids and algebroids
Alexander ShapiroQuantum decorated character stacksSlides
Yanli SongGeometric quantization of symplectic b-manifold
Luca VitaglianoIntegrating Nijenhuis StructuresSlides
Cornelia VizmanCoadjoint orbits relevant to ideal fluid dynamicsSlides
Alan WeinsteinHamiltonian Lie algebroids over Poisson manifolds


Joaquim BruguesA Hamiltonian Floer complex for b-manifolds
Robert CardonaExistence and classification of b-contact structures
Alberto CavallarExtending the Large Color R-matrix to the three-fold symmetric Lie algebra so8
Noriaki IkedaHomotopy momentum sections and sigma models
Ruben LouisSymmetries of SingularFoliations through Universal Lie∞-algebroids
Antonio MaglioShifted Contact Structures on Differentiable Stacks
Thomas MachonPoisson structures on sets of Maurer-Cartan elements
Pau MirBohr-Sommerfeld quantization of b-symplectic toric manifolds
David MiyamotoQuasifolds as groupoids and as diffeological spaces
Filip MouckaPalatini formalism in the framework of Courant algebroids
Clarice NettoCourant-Nijenhuis algebroids
Pablo NicolásClassical gauge theories on E-manifolds
Karandeep SinghStability results in Poisson geometry and higher Lie theory
Aldo WitteRemarks on bk-geometry