Mathematical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations are very active, deeply interrelated fields of research with a preponderant position within the mathematical sciences. This line deals with fundamental problems in the fields of harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, geometric group theory, functional analysis, geometric measure theory, operator algebra, differential geometry and probability, and has been awarded with a total of 7 ERC grants.

The group is formed by two sublines:

  • Mathematical Analysis: This subline focuses on classical problems around the Kakeya conjecture and Bochner-Riesz multipliers, the Schrödinger and wave equations, elliptic PDE in rough domains and connections with geometric measure theory, harmonic analysis and geometric group theory for nonamenable groups, classical and abstract Calderón-Zygmund theory and problems around the invariant subspace problem. Other fields such as operator theory, geometry of Banach spaces, complex analysis, quantum probability and analytic number theory are also well represented.
  • Differential Equations and Applications: This subline studies differential equations arising in fluid mechanics, spectral theory, mathematical physics and mathematical biology. This is an interdisciplinary subject, with significant applications to engineering, biology and physics.




Postgraduate Students:

Master Students:

  • Nicolás De Lucas
  • Mario Guillen
  • Roberto Hernandez
  • Misael Samir Malqui
  • Antonio Jesús Ortega
  • Juan José Padilla

Group Activities:

CSIC Research Groups Involved: