- Alexandre Anahory (IE University, Madrid, Spain) - Title: Virtual nonholonomic constraints
- John Baillieul (Boston University, USA) - Title: Eulerian optical flow - geometric sketches in the spirit of Tony Bloch
- Margarida Camarinha (University of Coimbra, Portugal) - Title: Curvature-adapted submanifolds of semi-Riemannian groups
- Cédric M. Campos (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain) - Title: Advances in optimization in non-Euclidean spaces: NAG-like methods on \(SO(3)\) and \(S^2\)
- Elena Celledoni (NTNU Univerity, Norway) - Title: A dynamical systems view to deep learning: contractivity and structure preservation
- Arieh Iserles (Cambridge Univerasity, UK) - Title: An overarching framework for spectral methods and dispersive equations
- Manuel de León (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Spanish National Research Council, Spain) - Title: Liouville-Arnold theorem for symplectic and contact Hamiltonian systems
- Juan Carlos Marrero (University of La Laguna, Spain) - Title: Nonholonomic brackets and Hamilton-Jacobi theory: from Eden to the present day
- Tom Mestdag (University of Antwerp, Belgium) - Title: Unreducing Lagrangian systems to dissipative systems
- Tudor Ratiu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) - Title: Stochastic variational principles
- Nicola Sansonetto (University of Verona, Italy) - Title: Some progress on the study of nonholonomic systems with affine constraint
- Fátima Silva Leite (University of Coimbra, Portugal) - Title: A unified framework for studying extremal curves on real Stiefel manifolds
- Cesare Tronci (University of Surrey, UK) - Title: Mixed quantum-classical dynamics and its closure models
- Arjan Van der Schaft (Groningen University, The Netherlands) - Title: Geometry of Irreversible Macroscopic Thermodynamics