How to arrive by public transportation.
Bus Schedule (provided by the Organization)
Participants are requested to look for their own accommodation.
Erasmo de Rotterdam nº 7 (Campus de Cantoblanco) Madrid 28049 (Spain)
Single room 23 €
The residence is within walking distance of ICMAT. How to arrive from Madrid (downtown)
Click here to download the registration form
The organization has already booked rooms for all Main Speakers at
Residencia de Estudiantes del CSIC
Calle Pinar, 21-23 28006 Madrid.
Transportation arrangements shall also be provided. There will be a bus taking people from the Residencia de Estudiantes del CSIC, passing by Estación de Chamartin (metro Chamartin) in order to pick up the rest of participants, and arriving at the ICMAT (where the conference is held), roundtrip. Anyway, ICMAT is easily reachable by public transport: how to arrive.
Some hotels next to Estación de Chamartín:
Hotel Chamartín
Calle de Agustín de Foxá, s/n, 28036 Madrid.
Hotel Tryp Chamartin
Calle Mauricio Ravel, 10, 28046 Madrid.
Some hotels next to Residencia de Estudiantes del CSIC
Hotel NH Zurbano
Calle Zurbano, 79-81 28003 Madrid.
Hotel NH Hesperia Emperatriz
Paseo de la Castellana, 57 28046 Madrid.