GESTA 2014 Summer School


June 2-6, 2014

Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas
C/ Nicolás Cabrera, 13-15
  Campus Cantoblanco - UAM
  28049 Madrid, Spain
  Telephone: +34 91 2999700


General Information


How to Arrive


Nicolás Cabrera, nº 13-15

Campus de Cantoblanco, UAM

28049 Madrid SPAIN

Tel: +34 91 2999 704

Here you have several options in order to arrive the ICMAT building: Download a map

Link to a bigger map.


Take the RENFE Cercanías train  C4 line (either Alcobendas direction or Colmenar Viejo direction). Get off at Cantoblanco Universidad station and go straight ahead Francisco Tomás y Valiente street. The ICMAT is at the end of this street just on the intersection with 13-15 Nicolás Cabrera St.


There are several intercity bus lines. You can check schedules corresponding to the different bus lines, by clicking the following links :

Nr. 714, from Madrid (Plaza Castilla bus exchanger) to Cantoblanco Campus (Centro Biotecnología Molecular "Severo Ochoa" stop) and then five-minute walk  through Nicolas Cabrera St. Frequency: 12 min.

Nr. 827,  Canillejas / Alcobendas – Barajas Airport (T4) - UAM Cantoblanco / Tres Cantos. Frequency: 15-20 min. From/To Barajas Airport T4: 40 min journey.

Nr. 827-A, San Sebastian de los Reyes / AlcobendasUAM Cantoblanco. Frequency: 20/40 min.

Nr. 828, Campo de las Naciones – Barajas Airport (T4)UAM Cantoblanco. Frequency: 2 hours.

* Notice that neither 714 nor 827 bus goes to UAM Cantoblanco on Sundays or holidays.

* 827-A and 828 bus lines provide service only on weekdays!

For further information, visit this website link belonging to the University.


The easiest way to arrive by private transport or taxi is through the UAM Northern access, via M-607 dual carriageway (from Madrid to Colmenar Viejo) combined with M-616 road (from El Pardo to Alcobendas). Once you get into the Cantoblanco Campus, follow Erasmo de Rotterdam St. on the left direction, turn right on Newton St. and then take the first turning on the left, which is Nicolás Cabrera St. There are parking facilities at the end of the street.


 Scientific Committee:

 Organizing Committee:


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