Function Theory on Infinite Dimensional Spaces XIII  

ICMAT, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid   

February 4-7, 2014   

Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas
C/ Nicolás Cabrera, 13-15
  Campus Cantoblanco - UAM
  28049 Madrid, Spain
  Telephone: +34 91 2999700


How to Arrive

Click on this link

Transportation arrangements shall also be provided. There will be a bus taking people from the Residencia de Estudiantes of the CSIC, passing by the Hotel Tryp Chamartin in order to pick up the rest of participants, and arriving at the ICMAT (where the conference is held), roundtrip.

The organization has already booked rooms for all Main Speakers at the Residencia de Estudiantes del CSIC

Pinar, 21-23 28006 Madrid
Tel.: [+34] 91 563 64 11
Fax.: [+34] 91 564 38 90

The remaining participants are welcome to stay at the Hotel Tryp Chamartin. If you book a room in this hotel before the 3rd of December you will get the price indicated if, when making the reservation, you specifically mention that you are attending the conference and you give the following reference number: 16.561.

Double Room: 82,50 €
Double room for single use: 71,50 €

Mauricio Ravel, 10 28046 Madrid
Tel.: [+34] 91 733 34 00
Fax.: [+34] 91 314 60 47

Transportation arrangements shall also be provided. There will be a bus taking people from the Residencia de Estudiantes of the CSIC, passing by the Hotel Tryp Chamartin in order to pick up the rest of participants, and arriving at the ICMAT (where the conference is held), roundtrip.

Bus Schedule:

  • 9:00 am Residencia de Estudiantes del CSIC
  • 9:10 am Hotel Tryp Chamartin

The participants who are given a grant including accommodation will be staying at a Residencia Erasmo of the UAM Campus.

Erasmo de Rotterdam, 5-7
Campus Universitario de Cantoblanco
Tel. [+34] 91 188 30 00
Fax: [+34] 91 372 00 07

 Scientific Committee:

Yun Sung Choi
(Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Aris Daniilidis
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Jesús A. Jaramillo
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Juha Kinnunnen
(Helsinki University of Technology)
Gilles Lancien
(Université de Franche-Comté)
Mikael Lindström
(Åbo Akademi)

 Organizing Committee:


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