10:00 - Nicholas Vlamis (CUNY): Homeomorphism groups of self-similar 2-manifolds - Expand Abstract
The study of homeomorphism groups and mapping class groups of infinite-type surfaces is in its infancy, and the deeper we dive into their structure we see that the class cannot be studied all at once. Recently, Mann and Rafi have introduced a very useful way to partition this class into several nice subclasses whose homeomorphism groups/mapping class groups often share many properties. In this talk, we will discuss recent results regarding the structure of homeomorphism groups of the class of self-similar 2-manifolds, and how these can be viewed as natural extensions of results regarding the homeomorphism group of the 2-sphere. The talk will largely be expository in nature, and we will discuss work of Anderson from the 50s and the recent work of Mann–Rafi, Malestein–Tao, Calegari–Chen, Calegari–Freedman, Hernández–Hrušák–Morales–Randecker–Sedano–Valdez, and Lanier and myself.