
This programme is devoted to the theory of moduli spaces and their relationship to mathematical physics. The main goals are to facilitate research, training and transfer of knowledge in this subject and in related areas. Moduli spaces are central objects that appear in the most natural classication problems in geometry. Their importance has been accentuated over the years due to the occurrence of these spaces in such diverse areas of mathematics as algebraic geometry, differential geometry, topology, algebra, and theoretical physics.

The research programme will be devoted to two basic themes within the general theory of moduli spaces: Higgs bundles, mirror symmetry, and Langlands duality; and gauge theory, special holonomy and special metrics. The programme will also tie in with the ICMAT Severo Ochoa Donaldson-Hitchin Laboratory chaired jointly by the members of the scientific committee. The research programme will include two schools and workshops, a visitor programme, as well as a regular seminar.