The "Workshop on Analysis and Geometry in metric spaces" will take place in ICMAT on June 1-5, 2015. The following mathematicians have agreed to come and deliver plenary talks (50 minutes) at this meeting:
- Jana Björn (confirmed)
- Thierry Coulhon (confirmed)
- Fernando Galaz-García (confirmed)
- Juha Kinnunen (confirmed)
- Bruce Kleiner (confirmed)
- Riikka Korte (confirmed)
- Urs Lang (confirmed)
- Piotr Hajslasz (confirmed)
- Roberto Monti (confirmed)
- Conrad Plaut (confirmed)
- Severine Rigot (confirmed)
- Raul Serapioni (confirmed)
- Nages Shanmugalingam (confirmed)
- Takashi Shioya (confirmed)
- Jeremy Tyson (confirmed)
- Paul Yang (confirmed)
There will also be a number of short communications (20 minutes talks) selected by the Organizing and Scientific Committee.