Ignacio Cirac (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik / Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics)

Ignacio Cirac is Max Planck director in the Institute of Quantum Optics in Munich since 2001. His pioneering contributions in the fields of quantum optics, quantum information and quantum many body systems make him one of the most influential scientists of our time. He obtained his PhD at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1991. Between 1991 and 1996 he shared his time between Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, where he served as associate professor, and the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA), where he worked as postdoctoral scientist with Peter Zoller. In 1996 he became full professor at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). His work has deserved some of the most prestigious international awards, including the Prince of Asturias Award (2006), the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award (2008), the Benjamin Franklin Medal (2010), the Wolf Prize in Physics (2013) and the Max-Planck Medal (2018).

This Laboratory is a continuation of the first and second ones.

Group webpage

Research field

Applied Mathematics: Mathematics for the quantum technology era.

Research project

This lab focuses on mathematical aspects of quantum technologies. The group will try to continue advancing in problems that were already addressed in the previous edition, but will also try to initiate new lines of work in collaboration with Ignacio Cirac. For example, connecting the theory of tensor networks with areas and techniques of computer science. In that sense, the group just finished two very interesting collaborations with Cirac: arXiv:2406.10195, arXiv:2407.17641.





  • The Lab hosted the visit of Yoshiko Ogata (Henri Poincaré Prize 2021 and ICM invited speaker 2022). Dates: 7-11 October 2024.