• Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F. “Splash singularities for the one-phase Muskat problem in stable regimes”, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 222 (1), pp. 213-243 (2016).


  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J. “Structural stability for the splash singularities of the water wave problem”, Discrete Continuos Dynamical Systems 34 (12), pp. 4997-5043 (2014).


  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F. “Breakdown of smoothness for the Muskat problem”, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 208 (3), pp. 805-909 (2013).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J. “Finite time singularities for the free boundary incompressible Euler equations”, Annals of Mathematics 178 (3), pp. 1061-1134 (2013).


  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J. “Finite time singularities of water waves with surface tension”, Journal of Mathematical Physics 53 (2012).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J. “Splash singularities for water waves”, Proceedings of the National Academy of  Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 109 (3), pp. 733-738 (2012).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; López-Fernández, “Rayleigh-Taylor breakdown for the Muskat problem with applications to water waves”, Annals of Mathematics 175 (2), pp. 909-948 (2012).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; López-Fernández, “Turning waves and breakdown for incompressible flows”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (12), pp. 4754-4759 (2012).


  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; “Breakdown of smoothness for the Muskat problem” (2011).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; López-Fernández,   “Turning waves and breakdown for incompressible flows”,  Proceedings of the National  Academy of  Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 108, 12, pp. 4754-4759 (2011).


  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J. “Finite time singularities for the free boundary incompressible Euler equations”, arXiv: 1106.2120 (2011).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J. “Rayleigh-Taylor breakdown for the Muskat problem with applications to water waves”. To appear in Annals of Mathematics, arXiv: 1102.1902 (2011).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J. “Splash singularities for water waves”. To appear in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. arXiv: 1106.2120 (2011).
  • Castro, Á.; Córdoba, D.; Fefferman, C.; Gancedo, F.; Gómez-Serrano, J.    “Splash singularities for the for the free boundary Navier-Stokes equations”, arXiv: 1504.02775.