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– ÁLVAREZ-CÓNSUL, Luis, BISWAS, I. and GARCÍA-PRADA, Oscar, 2017. A Tannakian approach to dimensional reduction of principal bundles, Journal of Geometry and Physics. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomphys.2017.01.013



 – ALFAYA, David and GÓMEZ, Tomás, 2016. On the Torelli theorem for Deligne-Hitchin moduli spaces, Travaux Mathématiques, Special Issue: School GEOQUANT at the ICMAT, Vol. XXIV, 151-165.

– ÁLVAREZ-CÓNSUL, Luis, GARCÍA-FERNÁNDEZ, Mario and GARCÍA-PRADA, Oscar, 2016. Gravitating vortices, cosmic strings and the Kähler-Yang-Mills equations, Comm. Math. Phys., doi: 10.1007/s00220-016-2728-2.

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– BISWAS, I., GARCÍA-PRADA, Oscar and HURTUBISE, J., 2014. Pseudo-real principal Higgs bundles on compact Kähler manifolds, Annales de l’Institut Fourier 64, 2527-2562.

– DONALDSON, Simon and SUN, Song, 2014. Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kahler manifolds and algebraic geometry, Acta Mathematica 213, 63-106.

– GARCÍA-FERNÁNDEZ, Mario, 2014. Torsion-free generalized connections and Heterotic Supergravity, Comm. Math. Phys. 332, 89-115.

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– GARCÍA-PRADA, Oscar, HEINLOTH, Jochen and SCHMITT, Alexander, 2014. On the motives of moduli of chains and Higgs bundles, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 16, 2617-2668.

– HITCHIN, Nigel, 2014. Manifolds with holonomy U*(2m), Revista Matemática Complutense 27, 351–368.

– HITCHIN, Nigel, 2014. The hyperholomorphic line bundle, in "Algebraic and Complex Geometry", A. Frühbis-Krüger et al (eds), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 71, 209–223.

– HITCHIN, Nigel and SCHAPOSNIK, Laura, 2014. Nonabelianization of Higgs bundles, J. Differential Geometry 97, 79–89.



– ÁLVAREZ-CÓNSUL, Luis, GARCÍA-FERNÁNDEZ, Mario and GARCÍA-PRADA, Oscar, 2013. Coupled equations for Kähler metrics and Yang-Mills connections, Geometry and Topology 17,2731-2812.

– BISWAS, I, GÓMEZ, Tomás and MUÑOZ, Vicente, 2013. Automorphisms of moduli spaces of vector bundles over a curve, Expositiones Math. 31, 73-86.

– BISWAS, I, GÓMEZ, Tomás and HOFFMANN, Norbert, 2013. Torelli theorem for the Deligne-Hitchin moduli space, II Documenta Math. 18, 1177-1189.

– GARCÍA-FERNÁNDEZ, Mario and ROSS, Julius, 2013. Balanced metrics on vector bundles and polarised manifolds, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 106, 1143-1156.

– GARCÍA-PRADA, Oscar, GOTHEN, Peter and MUNDET I RIERA, Ignasi, 2013. Higgs bundles and surface group representations in the real symplectic group, Journal of Topology 6, 64-118.

– GARCÍA-PRADA, Oscar and HEINLOTH, Jochen, 2013. The y-genus of the moduli space of PGLn-Higgs bundles on a curve (for degree coprime to n), Duke Math. J. 14, 2731-2749.

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