The ICMAT announces a programme of grants aimed at students enrolled in official master’s degree courses who are interested in starting a research career. The grants include the collaboration of students with a researcher at the ICMAT, on a basis of compatibility with their studies. The aim of the programme is to raise awareness at university level of the professional opportunities offered by the Institute.

The application period begins on 9 May and ends on 1 June 2022.

A total of nine ten-month scholarships will be offered during the academic year 2022-2023. The total amount of each grant will be €10,000 in ten monthly instalments, and will include an additional endowment of up to €4,000 to cover fees for the Official Master’s Degree in the area of Mathematics in which they are enrolled during the period of enjoyment of the grant.



Two different modalities are offered:

  1. For the SO modality (7 grants): the beneficiary may choose any ICMAT staff researcher from the list available at as the responsible researcher, and in the event that he/she is not available, another researcher will be assigned according to his/her interests. The responsible researcher must be the person who will supervise the beneficiary’s Master’s thesis.
  2. For the AdG modality (2 grants): the research will be carried out on mathematical models from fluid mechanics. The problems to be addressed will focus on the search for singularities in incompressible fluids. The beneficiary will work under the direction of Diego Córdoba Gazolaz, PI of the Advanced Grant Project with reference ERC-AdG-NONFLU, who will be his Master’s thesis supervisor.

The average dedication of the beneficiaries of the grant will be 20 hours per week.

Requirements for applicants:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree: science
  2. Average grade on the transcript: accredit an average grade on the degree or bachelor’s degree, on a scale of 0-10 to two decimal places, equal to or higher than 8.5.
  3. Official University Master’s Degree: during the 2022-2023 academic year, applicants must be enrolled or have enrolled or pre-enrolled in an Official University Master’s Degree in the area of Mathematics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid or Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, in collaboration with the ICMAT.
  4. Not to have been awarded an introductory research grant within the JAE programme in previous calls for applications.

Formalization of applications:

To formalise the application, the documentation in PDF format must be sent to the following e-mail address: In the subject line of the email, please indicate the type of application: SO, AdG or both.

  1. Proof of identity. In the case of non-EU foreign nationals who do not have a residence permit, they must present their passport.
  2. Personal academic certification of the Bachelor’s degree issued and signed by the University, stating the total number of credits obtained in the Bachelor’s degree and the average mark obtained in these studies, on a decimal scale of 0-10 and to 2 decimal places.

In the case of studies taken, partially or totally, in foreign university systems, a document generated with the calculation of the equivalence of the grades obtained with the Spanish grading scale, available at:

  1. Form of being enrolled, registered or pre-enrolled in the 2022-2023 academic year in an Official University Master’s Degree in the area of Mathematics, taught by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid o la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in collaboration with the ICMAT.
  2. CV according to the model at:
  3. Responsible declaration according to the model at:
  4. Form, available here.
  5. Official documentation accrediting complementary training in courses, languages, collaboration grants, Erasmus, etc., included in the CV.

This aid will be financed by:

  1. Modality SO: Apoyo a Centros de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019, CEX2019-000904-S.
  2. AdG modality: Advanced Grant Project with reference ERC-AdG, 788250-NONFLU

Resolución de Concesión

Resolución definitiva de candidaturas admitidas

Resolución provisional de candidaturas admitidas Plazo de subsanación: del 9 de junio al 22 de junio de 2022 (ambos inclusive)

Past call