Meet a mathematics research institute. Visit of the Sagrado Corazón Fuencarral School

10 December, 2024

Students from Colegio Sagrado Corazón Fuencarral during their visit. Image: Laura M. Iraola/ICMAT

Date and time: 10 December 2024, 11:00 a.m.

Venue: Aula Gris 2, ICMAT

Abstract: Students from the 1st year Baccalaureate of the Colegio Sagrado Corazón Fuencarral (Madrid) visit the ICMAT. At this meeting, the students will have the opportunity to have a relaxed chat with the researchers taking part in the activity, visit the centre and get a closer look at research in mathematics and work at a centre of excellence.


  • 11:00-11:30. Presentation. Get to know the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the research career, Javier Aramayona, director of the ICMAT

Javier Aramayona during the presentation of the ICMAT. Image: Laura M. Iraola/ICMAT

  • 11:30-13:00. ‘The mathematics of growth: rabbits, viruses and mathematical models’, Enrique García-Sánchez, pre-doctoral researcher at the ICMAT and CSIC

One of the main applications of mathematics is the modelling of physical, biological or demographic systems in order to better understand them and predict their behaviour. In this talk we will understand what a mathematical model is and what its main ingredients are, using concepts such as exponential growth and simple examples such as the logistic equation, predator-prey systems or the SIR model of the spread of epidemic diseases.

Enrique García Sánchez gave a lecture on mathematical modelling. Image: Laura M. Iraola/ICMAT

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