ICMAT Newsletter #16 - 2024

May at ICMAT

Here is our 16th ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.
ICMAT receives accreditation as a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence for the fourth consecutive time

ICMAT has been accredited as a "Severo Ochoa" Centre of Excellence by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, through the State Research Agency (AEI). With this recognition, it becomes one of only two centres in Spain to have received the distinction four times. The other is the Biomedical Research Institute in Barcelona. Having achieved this distinction again "represents a tremendous recognition of the scientific work carried out by the Institute since its creation in 2007", says Javier Aramayona, director of ICMAT. "We will continue to implement the institute's scientific project, focused on carrying out research in mathematics of the highest quality, while exerting a positive influence on the national scientific system and society as a whole," he continues.

Since its foundation in 2007, the Institute has maintained a firm commitment to excellence in mathematical research, with outstanding research staff in their respective fields. Moreover, its nature as a joint centre -it is participated by four institutions: the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Complutense University of Madrid and the Carlos III University of Madrid- has helped to consolidate it as a natural meeting point for mathematics in the Madrid region. "All this, backed to a large extent by funding from the Severo Ochoa programme, has helped to reinforce the ICMAT's position as a leader in research and also as a clear reference point for mathematical activity, at regional, national and international level," says Diego Córdoba, scientific director of the ICMAT's Severo Ochoa programme.

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Interview with Carmen Tovar, director of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport
"Reasoning must be the main focus of mathematics teaching"

Carmen Tovar chatting with some of the young women participating in PIM / Image: ICMAT
Carmen Tovar, director of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport, visited on 10 May the Little Institute of Mathematics (PIM, Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas), an ICMAT programme, co-funded by CUNEF University, which was set up in 2022 with the aim of encouraging creativity, ingenuity and enjoyment of mathematics among young people aged 12 to 18.

During his visit, Tovar had the opportunity to see the dynamics of this initiative and chat with several of the young people and trainers who make it possible. Afterwards, she gave us his impressions and talked to us about the situation of mathematics education at pre-university level in Spain. You can read the interview in
this link.

Interview with Carlo Gasbarri (University of Strasbourg, France)
"Understanding the role of analogy means understanding the role of intuition in mathematics"

Carlo Gasbarri is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Strasbourg (France), an expert in the field of arithmetic geometry / Image: Gasbarri

The use of analogy is a very fruitful tool in research in philosophy and science. This relationship has also been established in mathematics, for example, between number fields and function fields. Once the analogy has been created, "we try to adapt the tools and techniques developed in the first theory to better understand the other," explains Carlo Gasbarri, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Strasbourg (France). On Friday, 24 May, Gasbarri gave a joint ICMAT-UAM-UC3M-UCM colloquium on this topic, entitled "Analogies". The lecture is available online on the Institute's YouTube channel for scientific activities. Gasbarri is an expert in arithmetic geometry, specifically in the structure of rational, integral and algebraic points in algebraic varieties and their interaction with analytic geometry. 

You can read an interview with Gasbarri
on this link

Thibault Damour (IHES) gives a ICMAT-IFT joint colloquium on gravitational waves and binary black holes

Thibault Damour on his visit to CFTMAT / Image: IFT
Thibault Damour, professor emeritus at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) since 2022 and expert in general relativity, was the speaker at the colloquium jointly organised by the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT) and the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT). It took place on 7 May in the Centre for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (CFTMAT).

In his talk, entitled "
Gravitational Waves and Binary Black Holes", the physicist gave a historical review of the theory of general relativity and explain how we have come to understand gravitational waves and black holes. He also presented the latest theoretical advances that have been made to interpret transient events, such as gravitational wave signals emitted by the coalescence of two black holes, detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the Virgo interferometer.
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Javier Peñafiel (ICMAT-CSIC), winner of the Yo investigo. Yo soy CSIC contest for popular science videos

Carmen Simón and José María Martell present the award to Javier Peñafiel / Image: ICMAT

Javier Peñafiel, predoctoral researcher at ICMAT and CSIC, has been one of the winners of the 5th edition of the contest Yo investigo. Yo soy CSIC, organised by the CSIC Postgraduate Department, in which pre-doctoral researchers tell the topic of their thesis in an non-technical way, in audiovisual format and in less than three minutes. In his video, Peñafiel explains how mathematics can help to understand the movement of fluids, one of the great challenges in current research. Specifically, in his thesis, Peñafiel studies the properties of turbulence, one of the greatest difficulties in this area.

The prize-giving ceremony took place on 13 May at the National Museum of Natural Sciences and was presented by Carmen Simón, director of the CSIC Postgraduate Department, and was attended by José María Martell, vice-president of Scientific and Technical Research at the CSIC.

ICMAT celebrates Europe Day together with other CSIC centres in Retiro 

From 8 to 10 May, the centres of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) of the Cantoblanco campus located at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, including the ICMAT, celebrated Europe Day at the Eugenio Trías library, the former Casa de Fieras in the Retiro Park, together with students from ESO and Bachillerato.

On 8 May, Andrés Laín, who is working on his thesis at the ICMAT-CSIC as part of the "Non-local dynamics in incompressible fluids" project funded by the European Research Council (ERC), took part in the activity "Encuentro con investigador@s europe@s". The following day, 9 May, María Ángeles García Ferrero, CSIC researcher at the ICMAT, guided the development of the Escape Road "A la búsqueda de las científicas Nobel".

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New members at ICMAT

In May 2024, the following people have joined the Institute:
  • Oliver Braunling has joined the Institute as a new postdoctoral researcher.
  • Sergio Gracia is a new predoctoral researcher.
Currently visiting ICMAT
  • Mitchell Taylor (ETH Zurich), until 04/06/2024.
  • Federico Giust (GNSAGA, University of Florence), until 14/06/2024.
  • Nuria Campillo (CIB-CSIC), until 30/06/2024.
  • Pablo Cembellín Mazas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), until 30/06/2024.
  • David Muñoz Lahoz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), until 30/06/2024.
  • Roi Naveiro Flores (CUNEF University), until 30/06/2024.
  • Shreyas Narendra Bharadwaj (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), until 24/07/2024.
  • Óscar Domínguez (CUNEF University), until 31/07/2024.
  • Zamurat Ayobami Adegboye (Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, IMSP-UAC, Dangbo, Benin), until 27/08/2024.
  • Víctor Manuel Jiménez Morales (UNED), until 31/08/2024.
  • Andoni de Arriba de La Hera (UNED), until 31/12/2024.
  • Andrés Julián Moreno Ospina (UNICAMP), until 28/02/2025.
  • Liangchen Zou (University of Science and Technology of China), until 15/05/2025.
You have more information about the people who are visiting ICMAT here.
Next ICMAT activities
ICMAT is organising the following key activities in the coming months:

01/04-15/06/2024. Research term: Lattice Structures in Analysis and Applications
  • Advanced mini-courses,addressed to PhD students and interested researchers:

    -13,14, 16 & 17/05/2024, 11:30-13:00, "Abstract order theory (dates to be determined)", Eugene Bilokopytov (University of Alberta).
    -14, 16 & 17/05/2024, 10:00-11:00, "Tensor products of vector lattices (dates to be determined)", Vladimir Troitsky (University of Alberta).
    -4 & 6/06/2024, 10:00-13:30: "Extrapolation in function spaces", María Jesús Carro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

5-7/06/2024. Course: Teoría de cuerpos de clases y teoría K de Milnor

5-7/06/2024. Workshop: Quasiconformal mappings, elliptic equations and beyond

5-7/06/2024. Workshop: The geometry of field theories.

7-8/06/2024. Course: Concentration and blow-up via asymptotic gluing

17-21/06/2024. Summer School on h-principle

20-25/06/2024. XVI International ICMAT Summer School on Geometry, Dynamics and Field theory

24/06-5/07/2024. JAE School of Mathematics 2024

8-12/07/2024. Décimas Jornadas de Teoría de Números

21-23/08/2024. Workshop on Geometrical aspects of material modelling

Furthermore, ICMAT hosts weekly thematic seminars where researchers from each area share their latest results. You can find the complete programme of activities here.
Open Calls

SO Master Program, for Master's students in the academic year 2024/2025. ICMAT offers 15 research scholarships aimed at students enrolled in official Master's programs in the academic year 2024-2025 with an interest in starting a research career. The selected individuals will work (less than 20 hours per week) for one year with a permanent researcher at ICMAT. The amount of each scholarship is 10,000 euros, distributed over 10 monthly installments. The duration of each scholarship is 10 months, from October 2024 to July 2025.
Deadline: 1/06/2024.

ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2024 (ERC-2024-POC). Funding for principal investigators who already have projects financed by the ERC, aimed at enhancing the innovative potential of the outcomes derived from those projects.
Deadline: 17/09/2024.

Call MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024. The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to research staff of any nationality with up to 8 years of research experience who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training and international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. The mobility can be done:
-To a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe (Global Postdoctoral Fellowships).
-To or between EU Member States and/or countries associated to Horizon Europe (European Postdoctoral Fellowships).

Deadline: 11/09/2024.

ICMAT in the media
Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.
2024 Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

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