ICMAT Newsletter #18 - 2024
July at ICMAT
Here is our 18th ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.
The ICMAT receives Diana Morant, Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities
Minister Diana Morant with ICMAT personel. Image: Image: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
On 10 July, the Spanish Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, visited ICMAT, one of only two centres in Spain with four consecutive accreditations as a "Severo Ochoa" Centre of Excellence. She was joined by institutional representatives of the entities that participate in ICMAT: Eloísa del Pino, president of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Amaya Mendikoetxea Pelayo, rector of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Joaquín Goyache Goñi, rector of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), and Ángel Arias Hernández, rector of the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M).
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ICMAT at the European Congress of Mathematics
One of the cultural activities of this 9ECM was the exhibition "Maps: Cartographic heritage in Seville from the 15th to the 18th century". Image: 9ECM
This summer, Seville has been transformed into the capital of European mathematics, with the celebration of the European Congress of Mathematics (9ECM), attended by 1,300 people. The programme, which ran from 15 to 19 July, included 12 plenary lectures, some thirty invited lectures, 640 talks in mini-symposia and 270 communications in thematic sessions, as well as round tables, dissemination conferences, activities for young researchers and a cultural agenda. Several ICMAT members took part in the congress:
- David Pérez-García, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, a researcher at ICMAT specializing in quantum information theory, and Ángel Castro, CSIC científico titular at ICMAT, an expert in differential equations and fluid mechanics, were two of the invited speakers.
- On 16 July 2024, "Translating European Mathematics", a round table organised by ICMAT and the International Commission for the History of Mathematics (CIHM), took place within the congress, in which mathematicians and historians discussed the past and present role of translation within mathematics: between different languages, but also between different cultural or professional contexts.
- Javier Aramayona (ICMAT-CSIC), Eva Gallardo (ICMAT-UCM), Nuria Torrado (ICMAT-UAM) and Mª Ángeles García-Ferrero (ICMAT-CSIC) participated in various round tables and minisymposia.
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Perfect entanglement does not exist in the real world
Graphical representation of De Vicente's result. Image: Laura M. Iraola (ICMAT)
For many quantum technological applications, it is of interest to obtain entangled particles, i.e. quantum particles between which there is a very strong correlation, a phenomenon with no analogue in the classical world. The most useful state for all these applications, regardless of the particular task to be performed, is the so-called maximally entangled state, the existence of which, in the absence of noise, has long been known. It is also known that in realistic situations, where the presence of noise is unavoidable, this state is unattainable. Now, something else has been demonstrated: "There can be no universal notion of maximum entanglement outside the idealised noise-free scenario, even when the noise is arbitrarily small. In this case, the best achievable interlaced state will depend on the particular application for which it is to be used". This is the conclusion of a recent result by Julio de Vicente, professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and member of CMAT, published this week in Physical Review Letters.
You can read an interview with De Vicente about his result on this link.
Mª Ángeles García-Ferrero (ICMAT-CSIC) joins the Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society
Mª Ángeles García Ferrero. Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT
On the weekend of 13-14 May, the council of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) met in Granada, as a preliminary event to the European Congress of Mathematics which opened on 15 May in Seville. At the meeting, the members of the EMS Executive Committee, the body responsible for the regular management of the Society, were chosen for the next four years. Among the new members is Mª Ángeles García-Ferrero, CSIC científico titular at ICMAT.
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Recent results in number theory and arithmetic geometry discussed in Madrid
La Corrala cultural centre was the main venue for the conference. Image: UAM
In 2005, the Jornadas de Teoría de Números (Number Theory Conference) was launched. This biennial meeting brings together specialists in various branches of number theory, such as algebraic, analytical, and combinatorial, as well as arithmetic geometry. From July 8 to 12, the tenth edition of this conference was held at the Centro Cultural La Corrala in Madrid, which is affiliated with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) as the main venue, and at ICMAT
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Daniel Peralta-Salas speaks about the mathematics of plasmas at the National Meeting of the Portuguese Mathematical Society
Daniel Peralta-Salas is an expert in dynamical systems, partial differential equations and differential geometry. Image: ICMAT
Mª Ángeles García Ferrero, plenary speaker at the meeting of the Spanish and Mexican mathematical societies
Mª Ángeles García Ferrero. Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT
New members at ICMAT
In July 2024, the following people have joined the Institute:
New predoctoral researchers:
New postdoctoral researchers:
- David Gómez
- Federico Giusti
- María de la Paz Tirado
Currently visiting ICMAT
- Diego Izquierdo (École Polytechnique, Paris), until 21/08/2024.
- Zamurat Ayobami Adegboye (Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, IMSP-UAC, Dangbo, Benin), until 27/08/2024.
- Víctor Manuel Jiménez Morales (UNED), until 31/08/2024.
- Andoni de Arriba de La Hera (UNED), until 31/12/2024.
- Michael Shub (University New York), until 31/12/2024.
- Andrés Julián Moreno Ospina (UNICAMP), until 28/02/2025.
- Liangchen Zou (University of Science and Technology of China), until 15/04/2025.
- Xueting Jin (School of Mathematical Sciences Capital Normal University China), until 01/07/2025.
You have more information about the people who are visiting ICMAT here.
ERC Programme - ERC-AdG-2024 Call. The European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants call is open to active researchers at the stage of their career where they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Principal researchers must be exceptional leaders in terms of the originality and significance of their research contributions.
Deadline: 29/08/2024
ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2024 (ERC-2024-POC). Funding for principal investigators who already have projects financed by the ERC, aimed at enhancing the innovative potential of the outcomes derived from those projects.
Deadline: 17/09/2024
Call MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024. The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to research staff of any nationality with up to 8 years of research experience who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training and international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. The mobility can be done:
-To a Third Country not associated to Horizon Europe (Global Postdoctoral Fellowships).
-To or between EU Member States and/or countries associated to Horizon Europe (European Postdoctoral Fellowships).
Deadline: 11/09/2024
ICMAT in the media
- "La dinámica caótica del Big Bang", 03/07/2024, 'Café y Teoremas', ICMAT section in El País newspaper
- "Escuela JAE de matemáticas", 03/07/2024, interview with Javier Aramayona, ICMAT director, in 'A hombros de gigantes' radio programme, RNE
- "Diana Morant: “El programa de excelencia de ‘Centros Severo Ochoa’ y ‘Unidades María de Maeztu’ es un ejemplo de nuestra apuesta por la ciencia y de cómo fortalecemos nuestros centros de investigación”, 10/07/2024, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades webpage
- "Kolam, un arte efímero", 16/07/2024, interview with Oscar García-Prada, CSIC researcher at ICMAT, in Canal UNED
- Buenos Días Madrid, 25/07/2024, interview with Javier Aramayona in Onda Madrid radio
Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.