ICMAT Newsletter #9 - 2023
October at the ICMAT
Here is our ninth ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.
October, a month of nonlinear dynamics meetings at ICMAT and UAM
Participants in the Euro-Japanese Congress on Nonlinear Diffusions. Image: Laura M. Iraola/ICMAT
In connection with nonlinear diffusion, three workshops were held at ICMAT during October: the workshop on Degenerate and Singular Diffusion, from 10 to 13 October; the Euro-Japanese Congress on Nonlinear Diffusions, from 16 to 20 October; and the workshop on Stability of Functional Inequalities, from 23 to 26 October.
The first one focused on the study of a specific type of nonlinear diffusion equations: degenerate and singular parabolic and elliptic equations. In the second conference, European and Japanese researchers presented recent results related to different aspects of nonlinear diffusion equations, such as the heat equation. The last workshop focused on the stability of functional inequalities.
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Interview with Yuliya Zelenyuk (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa), selected by the program Science by Women, Mujeres por África Foundation
"I look forward to interacting at ICMAT with different people, promoting the exchange of ideas, and discovering new directions for my research"
Yuliya Zelenyuk at her office in ICMAT. Image: Laura M. Iraola/ICMAT
Yuliya Zelenyuk is a professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa), since 2017. She joined this institution in 2005 as a postdoctoral researcher after completing her thesis in 2003 at Taras Shevchenko University in Kyiv, Ukraine, her home country. This summer, Zelenyuk joined the ICMAT as one of the researchers selected by Science by Women (Ellas Investigan), a programme of the Women for Africa Foundation. Until the end of December, she will be working on a project related to Ramsey theory – which stablishes that there is always some order in chaos – and its connections to group theory. She collaborates with Andrei Jaikin (ICMAT-UAM)'s team at ICMAT.
We interviewed Zelenyuk to learn more about her and her work, which you can read by following this link.
Meet the ICMAT Ian Agol Laboratory
A video introducing the Ian Agol Laboratory is now available on the ICMAT's YouTube channel. The Laboratory is a research group in the intersection of algebra, geometry, and topology. It is directed by Ian Agol, a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley (USA), where he holds a Simons Chair. Furthermore, the project is coordinated from ICMAT by Yago Antolín (ICMAT-UCM), Javier Aramayona (ICMAT-CSIC) and Andrei Jaikin (ICMAT-UAM), and it involves postdoctoral and predoctoral researchers.
You can watch the video on this link
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Dario Bambusi, speaker in the Joint Colloquium ICMAT-UAM-UCM-UC3M
Dario Bambusi. Image: courtesy of Bambusi
Dario Bambusi, a professor at the University of Milan (Italy), gave the last colloquium, jointly organized by ICMAT and the Autónoma, Complutense and Carlos III de Madrid universities. The event, " Birkhoff normal form and almost global existence in Hamiltonian PDEs", took place on 26 October at the UCM, and the recording is now available on the following link.
The talk focused on the use of the so-called Birkhoff normal form in demonstrating almost global existence of solutions for Hamiltonian partial differential equations (PDEs). This includes perturbations of linear hyperbolic equations, such as the wave equation.
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In the fall of 2023: Thematic Research Program on PDEs and Bayesian Machine Learning Year at ICMAT
ICMAT. Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT
This year, the Institute is hosting several thematic programs and a thematic year, each encompassing conferences and various activities dedicated to diverse research topics. The current ones are:
New members at the ICMAT
In October 2023, the following people have joined the Institute:
- Emilio Franco is a new postdoctoral researcher at ICMAT.
- Arnau Mas has joined the ICMAT as a predoctoral researcher.
- Enrique Aycart, Jesús Illescas, Laura Sáenz, Carlos Soblechero and Pablo Soto have joined as JAE Intro CSIC students.
- David Iglesias has joined as an associate member.
Currently visiting the ICMAT
- Eveline Legendre (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), until 03/11/2023
- Liviu Ignat (Instituto de Matemáticas de la Academia Rumana, Bucarest), until 04/11/2023
- Richard Mandel (Universidad del País Vasco), until 06/11/2023
- Paloma López Larios (UCM), until 11/11/2023
- Mariel Sáez Trumper (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), until 16/11/2023
- Edgar Pimentel (University of Coimbra), until 19/12/2023
- Gonzalo Garcia de Polavieja Embid (Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon), until 21/12/2023
- Alberto Vergel Otero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), until 29/12/2023
- Manuel Lainz (CUNEF), until 31/12/2023
- Edmundo José Huertas Cejudo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares), until 24/01/2024
- Alberto Jiménez Serrano (Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio), until 30/04/2024
- Pablo Cembellin Mazas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), until 30/06/2024
You have more information about the people who are visiting ICMAT here.
Furthermore, ICMAT hosts weekly thematic seminars where researchers from each area share their latest results. You can find the complete program of activities here.
ICMAT postdocs 2023. The ICMAT offers several postdoctoral positions for excellent researchers in mathematics who wish to pursue their research career at ICMAT. Applicants from all mathematical areas are encouraged to apply. The duration of each contract will be 24 months, and appointments will be made during the year 2024.
Deadline: 1 December 2023
European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant 2024 Call. The aim of Synergy Grants is to support a small group of two to four Principal Investigators (PIs) and their research teams (Synergy Group) in addressing ambitious research problems that could not be tackled individually.
Deadline: 8 November 2023, 17:00 (Brussels local time).
Call for Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Doctoral Net-works (DN) of the Horizon Europe Program (HE). The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN) under Horizon Europe (HE) aim to foster international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary collaboration for the training of highly qualified doctoral candidates. Additionally, they strive to stimulate creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation both within and outside Europe.
Deadline: 28 November 2023
2nd Edition of CSIC Scientific Outreach and Citizen Science Awards. CSIC, through its Deputy Vice Presidency for Scientific Culture and Citizen Science (VACC), is announcing the second edition of the CSIC Scientific Outreach and Citizen Science Awards. Through this strategic initiative, CSIC aims to promote and acknowledge initiatives led by its personnel aimed at involving the non-specialized public in scientific and technological advancements in any field of knowledge.
Deadline: 15 December 2023
Updating of the planned calendar of the calls of the State Agency Research. The objective of this document is to inform the scientific-technical community of the planning of the calls in progress that have not yet been resolved and those that will be published soon.
The ICMAT in the media
Here there is a list of some articles related to the Institute, published in October 2023 in the media.
Café y Teoremas, a section coordinated by the ICMAT in El País.
- "Encuentran una explosión en las ecuaciones de los fluidos gracias al aprendizaje profundo", by Javier Gómez, associate professor at Brown University (USA), and Ágata A. Timón, Unidad de Cultura Matemática (UCMAT) coordinator of ICMAT.
- "Cien años del matemático que exploró las simetrías infinitas", by Tomás Gómez de Quiroga, CSIC investigador científico and ICMAT member.
- "Dobble, el juego de mesa que esconde geometrías avanzadas", by Javier Aramayona, CSIC científico titular and ICMAT director; Stefano Francaviglia, professor at Bolonia University (Italy); and Ágata A. Timón.
And more...
Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.