ICMAT Newsletter #5 - 2023

May at the ICMAT

Here is our fifth ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.
Two of the ICMAT laboratories join forces in a congress in Miraflores de la Sierra

La Cristalera Residence / Image: Sergio Reyes / FUAM
Last April, the thematic period on Moduli Spaces and Geometric Structures began at ICMAT, launched by the ICMAT Hitchin–Ngô Laboratory. As part of its extensive programme, the Higgs Bundles, Character Varieties and Higher Teichmüller Spaces congress took place from 22 to 26 May at La Cristalera Residence (Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid). It was co-organized by another of the institute's laboratories, the one led by Ian Agol.
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International experts at the interface of analysis and arithmetic met at the ICMAT

From 22 to 26 May, the ICMAT Arithmetic of L-functions, a conference on the arithmetic properties of special values of functions L, a central topic in number theory and arithmetic geometry, was held. "The objective was to bring together some of the most prominent and active researchers in these issues", said Daniel Macías, Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), member of the ICMAT and organizer of the event together with Dominik Bullach (researcher of King's College London).

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Stochastic processes and game theory at the Royal Academy of Sciences

From 22 to 24 May, the 13th Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Processes conference was held and from 24 to 26 May, the 7th Games and Decisions in Risk and Reliability. Both took place at the Royal Academy of Sciences and were organized by the ICMAT.

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Conclusions of the students after the first year of the Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas: "It is amazing to see how as a team we can solve problems on which we were stuck separately"
Image: Laura Moreno Iraola / ICMAT
On 26 May, the first course of the Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas (PIM) was closed. This initiative, inspired by mathematical circles, has welcomed people between the ages of 14 and 18 since October 2022 on a weekly basis to share their pleasure for math. Based on the promotion of curiosity as the engine of learning, the sessions, free for students, have focused on problem solving and teamwork. Do you want to know what the participants think of this experience? You can read some reviews on our website.

Registration for the second edition of the school is now open, whose entrance exams will take place at the beginning of June.
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Meet Laia, Jennifer, Elena, Dahyana, Caterina and Alba, researchers in mathematics
Image: ICMAT
This year, we celebrated May 12, the international women in mathematics day, with six of ICMAT youngest researchers: Laia Domingo, Elena Salguero, Dahyana Farias, Alba García, predoctoral researchers, and Jennifer Duncan and Caterina Campagnolo, postdoctoral researchers. In a series of videos, published on the ICMAT social media, they tell us why they decided to dedicate themselves to mathematics or what they like most about their career. 

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Genuinely quantum phenomena in communication networks are observed
Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens / Image: Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens
Quantum cryptography protocols guarantee the detection of adversaries in communications: if someone is spying on them, it is possible to know it. Therefore, malicious adversaries could try to deceive users, making them believe that they are sharing information through quantum systems –in which their presence would be detected– when in fact they are using classical systems –in which they can go unnoticed– . For this reason, it is essential that users are able to confirm that they are using quantum systems to communicate. Now, thanks to two recently published papers that observe and guarantee the existence of strong quantum correlations in networks, users will be able to find out.

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Daniel Peralta-Salas, EMS Distinguished Speaker at the upcoming Nordic Congress of Mathematicians

Daniel Peralta-Salas /  Image: ICMAT
The Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) has appointed Daniel Peralta-Salas, a scientific researcher of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) at the ICMAT, EMS distinguished speaker at the upcoming Nordic Congress of Mathematicians. The meeting is held once every four years and is organized by the national mathematical associations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. This year it will take place from 3 to 7 July 2023 in Aalborg, Denmark.

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2023: Thematic research programmes and one thematic year at the ICMAT
Image: Laura Moreno Iraola / ICMAT
This year the institute hosts several thematic programmes and one thematic year –each one including conferences, and other activities– dedicated to various research topics. Here you have the forthcoming: 
Two new members at the ICMAT 

In May 2023, the following people have joined the Institute:
  • Carlos Fuertes (ICMAT-UAM) has joined the ICMAT as a predoctoral researcher
  • Nadia Velasco (ICMAT-CSIC) is a new administration member 
Currently visiting the ICMAT...
  • Asma Ben Rejeb (Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d`ingénieurs de Nabeul), until 01/06/2023
  • Ashay Burungale (University of Texas at Austin), until 01/06/2023
  • Dominik Francoeur (Newcastle University), until 01/06/2023
  • Timo S. Hänninen (University of Helsinki), until 01/06/2023
  • David Krejcirik (Czech Technical University in Prague), until 02/06/2023
  • Ángel del Río Mateos (Universidad de Murcia), until 02/06/2023
  • Russel Brown (University of Kentucky), until 12/06/2023
  • Alessandro Agnaldo Da Silva Junior (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Unicamp), until 19/06/2023
  • Alfredo Llosa Lazo (Université Paris-Saclay), until 30/06/2023
  • Hugo Boucherot (École Polytechnique), until 07/07/2023
  • Carlos E. González Guillén (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, UPM), until 30/08/2023
  • Víctor Manuel Jiménez Morales (UNED), until 31/08/2023
  • Alberto Vergel Otero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), until 29/12/2023
  • Edmundo José Huertas Cejudo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares), until 24/01/2024
You have more information about the people who are visiting the ICMAT here.
Next ICMAT activities
The following are the main activities hosted by the ICMAT until August 2023:

01/04/2023 - 30/06/2023. Research Programme on Moduli Spaces and Geometric Structures
  • 01/04/2023 - 30/06/2023. Moduli Seminar
  • 19/06/2023 - 23/06/2023. Gauge theory, Canonical Metrics and Geometric Structures
05/06/2023 - 09/06/2023. Geometric Valuation Theory -from convex sets to functions workshop

12/06/2023 - 30/06/2023. ICMAT-IMAG Doc-Course in Functional Analysis

23/06/2023. Joint Colloquium ICMAT-UAM-UC3M-UCM: Analytic Approach to Extremal Combinatorics, Daniel Král' (Masaryk University)

26/06/2023 - 07/07/2023. Escuela JAE de Matemáticas 2023

10/07/2023 - 11/07/2023. XV International ICMAT Summer School on Summer School on Geometry, Dynamics and Field Theory

12/07/2023 - 14/07/2023. Dynamical Systems, Mechanics and Control. A workshop in honor to Anthony Bloch

In addition, the ICMAT hosts weekly thematic seminars, in which researchers from each area share their latest results. You can check the complete programme of activities here.
Open Calls
JAE School of Mathematics 2023. The JAE School of Mathematics 2023 will take place from 26 June to 7 July at ICMAT. It will be a meeting place between high-level researchers and students who enjoy doing mathematics, in an ideal environment for research.
Application period: until 05/06/2023

ICMAT Postdoc in Harmonic AnalysisThe ICMAT offers a postdoctoral appointment for researchers in Harmonic Analysis with an excellent curriculum who wish to pursue their research career at the ICMAT. The Principal Investigator is Mingming Cao, a Ramon y Cajal researcher.
Application period: until 15/06/203

Grants for the creation of CSIC Scientific Networks (CONEXIONES-CSIC). The purpose of this call is to stimulate the collaboration of CSIC research groups on priority issues, financing with own resources the creation of new CSIC-Connections that can become CSIC research networks. Up to 5 grants will be financed for a maximum amount of 200,000€ each, and with a validity of up to 2 years.
Application period: Phase II (Complete proposal): From 30/05/2023 to 16/06/2023 (2:00 p.m.)
BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards recognize and encourage research and cultural creation of excellence, especially contributions of singular impact due to their originality and significance. The disciplines and domains of the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biology and Biomedicine, Technology of the information and communication, Ecology and Conservation Biology, Climate change, Economics, Finance and Business Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Music and Opera.
Application period: Until 06/30/2023


The ICMAT in the media

Here there is a list of some articles related to the Institute, published in May 2023 in the media.

Café y Teoremas, section coordinated by the ICMAT in El País.

And more...
Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.
2023 Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

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