ICMAT Newsletter #3 - 2023
March at the ICMAT
Here is our third ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.
ICMAT Distinguished Lectures
She Does Maths: Marie-Claude Arnaud (Université Paris Cité)
Marie-Claude Arnaud / Image: Petra Lein, MFO
Marie-Claude Arnaud is a professor at the Université Paris Cité and a member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, where she is responsible for the geometry and dynamics group, a research area in which she is a specialist. Arnaud visits the ICMAT for the first time to give a distinguished lecture on Friday, 31st March, with the title “Conformally symplectic dynamics”. Arnaud is the protagonist of a new She Does Maths article that you can read on this link.
Specialists show the connections between the theory of operator algebras and the quantum information theory
Yoshiko Ogata and Henry Yuen / Image Ogata: Petra Lein, Image Yuen: Columbia University
From 27th February to 31st March, the thematic programme Quantum Information Theory (QIT) was held at the ICMAT. It has concluded with the second school, Advanced School on Operator Algebras, Quantum Information and Quantum Many Body Systems, given by two great experts in the area: Yoshiko Ogata (University of Tokyo, Japan), who solved the phase classification problem of matter, and Henry Yuen (Columbia University, USA), who has provided a solution to the so-called Connes immersion problem.
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The ICMAT receives 30 4º ESO students from the Community of Madrid
4ºESO+Empresa en el ICMAT / Image: ICMAT
From 27th - 29th March, students from the Community of Madrid carried out educational stays at the ICMAT thanks to the community's 4º ESO+Empresa programme. During these days, they had the opportunity to learn about research in mathematics and the Institute, and attended workshops and talks. They discovered how mathematics can identify fake news or predict the spread of epidemic diseases, what is clock arithmetic and how it is present in our everyday lives, or what the best strategies to solve problems are. All these activities were directed by ICMAT research staff.
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Luis Caffarelli, awarded with the Abel Prize
Luis Caffarelli / Image: Nolan Zunk (The University of Texas at Austin)
Caffarelli, professor at the University of Texas, is a member of the ICMAT External Scientific Advisory Committee. His contributions to the theory of regularity, within differential equations, have received the highest recognition in mathematics. "Caffarelli's work, profound and revolutionary, has solved a series of so-called free boundary problems," says Antonio Córdoba (ICMAT-UAM), Caffarelli's collaborator.
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Annette Werner (Goethe University) gave a joint ICMAT-UAM-UC3M-UCM Colloquim
Annette Werner / Image: Petra Lein, MFO
Annette Werner, Professor of Mathematics at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, is a well known expert on the field of Cremona automorphisms, Diophantine geometry and algebraic geometry of non-Archimedean ordered fields. She has been a speaker at the ICMAT-UAM-UC3M-UCM Joint Colloquium, with the talk 'On the birational geometry of matroids', that took place on 10th March. She discussed matroid theory, a field that offers a unified abstract treatment of the concept of dependency in linear algebra and graph theory. On the occasion of her visit to the ICMAT, we did an interview with her that you can read on this link.
2023: Thematic research programmes and one thematic year at the ICMAT
Image: ICMAT
This year the institute hosts several thematic programmes and one thematic year –each one including conferences, and other activities– dedicated to various research topics. Here you have the forthcoming:
Twelve new researchers at the ICMAT
In March 2023, the following people have joined the Institute:
- Yamilet Quintana (ICMAT-UC3M) has joined as a profesora ayudante doctora at UC3M.
- Félix Del Teso Méndez (ICMAT-UAM) has started a new position as a Ramón y Cajal researcher.
- Bogar Díaz (ICMAT-UC3M) has joined as a researcher at UC3M.
- And 9 JAE Intro CSIC students:
- Daniel Corrales (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by David Ríos (ICMAT-CSIC).
- Pablo Castellanos (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Leo Margolis (ICMAT-CSIC).
- Andrés Mariano Díaz (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Eva Gallardo (ICMAT-UCM).
- Alejandro García (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Mar González (ICMAT-UAM).
- Eduardo González (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Nuria Campillo (ICMAT-CSIC).
- Maddalen Irigoien (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Alberto Enciso (ICMAT-CSIC).
- Mario Julián Rodríguez (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Daniel Peralta (ICMAT-CSIC).
- Jesús David Jiménez (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Diego Córdoba (ICMAT-CSIC).
- David Ruiz (ICMAT-CSIC), supervised by Carlos Mora (ICMAT-UAM).
Currently visiting the ICMAT...
- Hidde Schönberger (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), until 06/04/2023.
- Juan José Morales Ruiz (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), until 30/04/2023
- Jordi Gaset (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), until 31/05/2023.
- Dominik Francoeur (Newcastle University, Canada), until 01/06/2023.
- Hugo Boucherot (Ecole Polytechnique, France), until 07/07/2023.
- Carlos González Guillén (Universidad Politécnica Madrid, Spain), until 30/08/2023.
- Víctor Manuel Jiménez (UNED, Spain), until 31/08/2023.
- Alberto Vergel (Universidad Politécnica Madrid), until 29/12/2023.
- Edmundo José Huertas (Universidad Alcalá de Henares,Spain), until 24/01/2024.
You have more information about the people who are visiting the ICMAT here.
Fundamentals Research Program BBVA Foundation. Concession of financial aid for the development of fundamental research projects in several areas of knowledge, including Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence. Application period: until 6:00 p.m. from 30/05/2023
Grants for the creation of CSIC Scientific Networks (CONEXIONES-CSIC). The purpose of this call is to stimulate the collaboration of CSIC research groups on priority issues, financing with own resources the creation of new CSIC-Connections that can become CSIC research networks. Up to 5 grants will be financed for a maximum amount of 200,000€ each, and with a validity of up to 2 years.
Application period:
- Phase I (Expressions of interest): From 27/03/2023 to 21/04/2023 (2:00 p.m.).
- Phase II (Complete proposal): From 30/05/2023 to 16/06/2023 (2:00 p.m.).
iMOVE Call. These grants are intended for the short stays in R+D+i centers or companies abroad by research staff who are doing their doctoral thesis at the CSIC. Application period: 20/02/2023 - 11/04/2023.
R3 certificate. The State Research Agency has approved the call to obtain the R3 certificate as an established researcher. The purpose of this action is to assess the career of national and foreign researchers within the framework of a postdoctoral itinerary for access to the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation, so that this allows recognition of their quality and research independence. Application period: 20/03/2023 -13/04/2023
The ICMAT in the media
Here there is a list of some articles related to the Institute, published in March 2023 in the media.
Café y Teoremas, section coordinated by the ICMAT in El País.
- "Muere Roger Brocket, pionero en la unión entre ingeniería y matemáticas", David Martín de Diego, CSIC researcher at ICMAT.
- "Cuando el agua caliente se congela más rápido que la fría: así funciona el efecto Mpemba", Siddhant Govardhan Agrawal, postdoctoral researcher at ICMAT.
- "¿Es tan raro el caso de los números repetidos de la Bonoloto?", Anabel Forte, researcher at the Universidad de Valencia.
- "Caos, orden y preguntas no resueltas para Pi, el número más importante de las matemáticas", Agata Timón, ICMAT member, and Juanjo Rue, researcher at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and CRM.
- "Tres joyas matemáticas de Joseph Bertrand", Fernando Chamizo, researcher at the UAM and the ICMAT.
" Computación cuántica, una solución en busca de problemas", A hombros de gigantes, RNE. Interview with Ignacio Cirac, director of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and director of one of the ICMAT Laboratories.
Articles regarding the concession Abel Prize to Caffarelli, with comments of ICMAT researchers:
Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.