ICMAT Newsletter #6 - 2023

June at the ICMAT

Here is our sixth ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.
Robert Cardona (ICMAT-UPC) is one of the six young mathematicians recognized with the Vicent Caselles Award from the RSME and the BBVA Foundation

Robert Cardona / Image: Courtesy of Cardona
Last week, the BBVA Foundation and Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) announced the winners of the IX edition of the Vicent Caselles Awards. Among them, there was awarded Robert Cardona Aguilar, postdoctoral researcher Margarita Salas at the ICMAT and at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Cardona –an expert in geometric hydrodynamics, three-dimensional flows on manifolds and symplectic and contact geometry– obtained a result of great relevance in 2021, together with Eva Miranda (UPC), Daniel Peralta (ICMAT-CSIC) and Francisco Presas (ICMAT-CSIC), in which they found, for the first time, solutions for a fluid capable of simulating any Turing machine. 
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Over 70 university students attend the Escuela JAE de Matemáticas 2023 

Escuela JAE de Matemáticas 2023 / Image: Laura Moreno Iraola / ICMAT
From 26 June to 7 July, students in the last years of the Degree in Mathematics participate in the Escuela JAE de Matemáticas 2023 of the ICMAT. During these two weeks they have the opportunity to get closer a first glimpse of mathemathical research, together with scientific personnel from ICMAT and other centres. There are courses given by Mª Ángeles García Ferrero (Universitat de Barcelona), Tomás Gómez de Quiroga (ICMAT-CSIC), Pedro Tradacete (ICMAT-CSIC), Alberto Ibort (ICMAT-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Alejandra Garrido (ICMAT-Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and María López Fernández (University of Málaga). In addition, short talks will also be given on different research areas, or on the development of a research career in mathematics.
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Proved that noise can improve the results of algorithms executed by quantum computers 
The presence of noise is considered the biggest limitation for the full development of quantum computers. However, a new study shows that, in certain cases, it can be used beneficially. The results, signed by Laia Domingo (ICMAT-UAM), were published last month in Scientific Reports.

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Alba García Ruiz wins the IV edition of the Yo Investigo. Yo soy CSIC contest 

Frame of Alba's video / ICMAT
Alba García Ruiz's video, an ICMAT researcher, has been one of the thirteen winners, out of more than 75 submitted, of the IV edition of the Yo investigo. Yo soy CSIC contest, organised by the Departamento de Posgrado CSIC. In it, she presents, in an non-technical way and in less than three minutes, the topic of her thesis: spectral theory.
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The thematic period on moduli spaces and geometric structures concludes with the workshop Gauge Theory, Canonical Metrics and Geometric Structures
Image: Andrew Hanson, from the article https://legacy.cs.indiana.edu/~hansona/papers/HuangBook-ajh-chapter.pdf

From 19 to 23 June, the ICMAT hosted the workshop Gauge Theory, Canonical Metrics and Geometric Structures, focused on the study of mathematical aspects of gauge theories and the theory of canonical metrics on complex manifolds of dimension 7. These topics are of great interest to the community since the 1970s, and advances in the field have earned awards such as the Fields Medal. During this week, leading international experts in the field attended the ICMAT to discuss some recent developments in the area. It was the last activity of the thematic period on Moduli Spaces and Geometric Structures, developed between the months of April and June 2023, and organised in collaboration with the ICMAT Hitchin-Ngô Laboratory.

Read our reportage "The shape of space in complex geometry and gauge theories"
Specialists at the intersection between analysis and geometry meet in Castro Urdiales 
Castro Urdiales / Image: Zarateman - CC by 3.0
The ICMAT, together with the Technische Universität Wien (Austria), organised the workshop Geometric Valuation Theory. From Convex Sets to Functions from 5 to 9 June, which brought together about 40 researchers in the theory of geometric valuations. It took place at the International Center for Mathematical Meetings of the University of Cantabria (CIEM), in Castro Urdiales.
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ICMAT and IMAG organise a course in functional analysis to encourage collaboration between young and senior researchers

The Doc-Course in Functional Analysis took place from 12 to 30 June, in which recent advances in the area of functional analysis were shared. Organised by the ICMAT and the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada (IMAG), the course put young researchers, in the last years of their doctoral and postdoctoral studies, in contact with specialists in the area, with the aim of opening new research directions. Participants addressed open problems in the area in small groups, each one led by a specialist.

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2023: Thematic research programmes and one thematic year at the ICMAT
Image: Laura Moreno Iraola / ICMAT
This year the institute hosts several thematic programmes and one thematic year –each one including conferences, and other activities– dedicated to various research topics. Here you have the current ones: 
Currently visiting the ICMAT
  • Roberta Bianchini (National Research Council of Italy, CNR-IAC, Rome), until 06/07/2023
  • Peter Constantin (Princeton University), until 06/07/2023
  • Jie Qing (UC Santa Cruz), until 06/07/2023
  • Samuel Pérez-Ayala (Princeton University), until 06/07/2023
  • María López Fernández (Universidad de Málaga), until 07/07/2023
  • Julian Wykowski (University of Cambridge), until 07/07/2023
  • Pawel Piwek (Oxford University), until 07/07/2023
  • Matthew Stover (Temple University), until 07/07/2023
  • Qiuyu Ren (University of California, Berkeley), until 07/07/2023
  • Hugo Boucherot (École Polytechnique), until 07/07/2023
  • Radmila Sadzanovic (North Carolina State University), until 08/07/2023
  • Ali Maalaoui (Clarks University), until 08/07/2023
  • Christopher-Lloyd Simon (Penn State University), until 08/07/2023
  • Xiaolei Wu (Fudan University), until 08/07/2023
  • Ian Agol (University of California Berkeley), until 09/07/2023
  • Alan Reid (Rice University), until 09/07/2023
  • Renato Ghini Bettiol (CUNY), until 15/07/2023
  • Yannick Sire (Johns Hopins University), until 15/07/2023
  • Javier de la Nuez González (KIAS), until 21/07/2023
  • Elena Isasi Theus (University of Pennsylvania), until 25/07/2023
  • Juncheng Wei (University of British Columbia), until 29/07/2023
  • Francesco Sala (Università di Pisa, Italy), until 04/08/2023
  • Sara Abdelsalam (The British University in Egypt), until 15/08/2023
  • Eber Gustavo Velázquez Galván (Universidad de Guadalajara, México), until 29/08/2023
  • Carlos E. González Guillén (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, UPM), until 30/08/2023
  • Víctor Manuel Jiménez Morales (UNED), until 31/08/2023
  • Alberto Vergel Otero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), until 29/12/2023
  • Edmundo José Huertas Cejudo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares), until 24/01/2024
You have more information about the people who are visiting the ICMAT here.
Next ICMAT activities
The following are the main activities hosted by the ICMAT until August 2023:
26/06/2023 - 07/07/2023. Escuela JAE de Matemáticas 2023

04/07/2023. Mathematical Analysis of Fluid Dynamics

05/07/2023. Thesis Defense: "Non-existence, strong ill-posedness and loss of regularity for active scalar equations", Luis Martínez Zoroa (ICMAT-CSIC). Advisor: Diego Córdoba (ICMAT-CSIC)

10/07/2023 - 11/07/2023. XV International ICMAT Summer School on Summer School on Geometry, Dynamics and Field Theory

10/07/2023 - 14/07/2023. Non-linear Elliptic PDE

12/07/2023 - 14/07/2023. Dynamical Systems, Mechanics and Control. A workshop in honor to Anthony Bloch

In addition, the ICMAT hosts weekly thematic seminars, in which researchers from each area share their latest results. You can check the complete programme of activities here.
Open Calls
Programa ATRAE. The Agencia Estatal de Investigación has made public the call for encouraging the incorporation of consolidated talent. The purpose of these grants is to facilitate the incorporation of consolidated research talents, of recognized international prestige and who have recently developed a relevant period of their professional activity abroad.
Application period: 29/06/2023 - 27/07/2023

Programa de Retorno del Talento. The Ramón Areces Foundation has made public the call for the return of talent, whose objective is to facilitate the return to Spain of scientists already consolidated abroad, so that they can develop a relevant research project for a period of five years, integrating into a public institution. of Spanish research.
Application period: 18/05/2023 - 15/10/2023 

Call for Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Doctoral Net-works (DN) of the Horizon Europe Program (HE). The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN) of the Horizon Europe (HE) have as main objective to promote international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration plinar for the training of highly qualified doctors, as well as stimulating creativity, the spirit entrepreneurship and innovation inside and outside Europe.
Deadline: Closing on 28 November 2023

Updating of the planned calendar of the calls of the State Agency Research. The objective of this document is to inform the scientific-technical community of the planning of the calls in progress that have not yet been resolved and those that will be published soon.

The ICMAT in the media

Here there is a list of some articles related to the Institute, published in June 2023 in the media.

Café y Teoremas, section coordinated by the ICMAT in El País.

Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.
2023 Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

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