ICMAT Newsletter #8 - 2023

August & September at the ICMAT

Here is our eighth ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.
Diego Córdoba, National Research Award winner for his work on deciphering fluid equations

Diego Córdoba. Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT

On 22 September 2023, the 'Julio Rey Pastor' National Research Award in the field of Mathematics and Information and Communication Technologies was granted to Diego Córdoba Gazolaz, profesor de investigación in the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) at Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT). He also serves as the scientific director of the Severo Ochoa program at ICMAT. This award, considered the most significant recognition for scientific research in Spain, was granted by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. The ministry acknowledged "the originality and impact of his research and methods introduced in the field of fluid mechanics equations, as well as his extraordinary teaching work."

Expressing his gratitude, Córdoba stated, "Receiving this award is an honor and a recognition of my dedication and contributions in the area of nonlinear and non-local equations. It fills me with gratitude and motivates me to continue working in the fascinating field of fluid dynamics."
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Interview with Yao Yao (National University Singapore)
"The Keller-Segel equation allows for modeling the collective behavior of animals"

Yao Yao. Image; NUS

Yao Yao, an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at the National University of Singapore, specializes in the mathematical analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) found in fluid mechanics and mathematical biology. She has been the speaker at the colloquium organized by ICMAT and the universities Autónoma, Complutense, and Carlos III of Madrid on 29 September 2023, "Suppression of chemotactic blow-up by active advection." Furthermore, Yao has actively participated in the Young Researchers in PDEs workshop, also held at the Institute.  This workshop is part of the thematic program on PDEs at ICMAT and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, spanning from June to December 2023.

We conducted an interview with Yao in anticipation of the colloquium, which you can read by following this link.
A Leonardo Fellowship from the BBVA Foundation for studying two-dimensional fluid equations
Ángel Castro. Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT
Ángel Castro Martínezcientífico titular at CSIC at ICMAT, has been awarded one of the 58 Leonardo Fellowships from the BBVA Foundation in 2023. These fellowships are designed to support personal projects of researchers and cultural creators in the intermediate stages of their careers, aged between 30 and 45 years. The project, 'Instabilities in 2D incompressible flows,' which is the only mathematics project selected in this call -which received a total of 1116 applications-, falls within the field of fluid mechanics, .

In this work, Castro address open problems involving two equations in two-dimensional fluid mechanics: the system of incompressible porous media (MPI) and the Euler equation in two dimensions for incompressible flow. 

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Special Introduction to Research Award from the Ministerio de Universidades for Enrique García Sánchez (ICMAT-CSIC)
Enrique García Sánchez. Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT

Enrique García Sánchez, predoctoral researcher at the CSIC at ICMAT, has been awarded the Special Prize of the 20th Arquímedes Contest for Research Introduction to Scientific Research. This distinction, awarded by the Ministerio de Universidades with a grant of 8,000 euros, aims to promote scientific research among university students. It recognizes the best research projects carried out by undergraduate and master's students in all areas of knowledge at Spanish universities.

The award acknowledges his work on Banach lattices—a topic within the field of functional analysis—under the framework of a JAE Intro ICMAT Severo Ochoa master's scholarship. Pedro Tradacete (ICMAT-CSIC), who supervised the project, is now his thesis advisor and has also received one of the mentor awards in this call.

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First results of the collaboration between ICMAT and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Ghana

From left to right: David Martín de Diego (Image: Iñigo de Amescua/ICMAT) and Mohammed Abutalib Elsaid (Image: AIMS)

In August 2022, the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Ghana (AIMS) and the CSIC signed a collaboration agreement to promote mutual interaction in the field of mathematics. Now, David Martín de Diegoinvestigador científico at the CSIC at ICMAT, and Mohammed Abutalib Elsaid, a Sudanese student from AIMS, have become the first to put this agreement into effect. In this context, Abutalib Elsaid received the title of Master of Mathematical Science from AIMS in August. His research project on geometric integration was supervised by Martín de Diego

The project, titled "Geometric Integration using Discrete Variational Calculus and Discrete Gradient Systems," focuses on novel applications of discrete variational calculus and discrete gradient systems in the context of geometric integration.

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ICMAT joins the European Researchers' Night 2023 with a workshop on mathematics and epidemics at the Hospital 12 de Octubre
Poster: ICMM

The European Researchers' Night 2023 takes place on 29 September 2023. This annual event provides scientists with the opportunity to engage with the public and showcase their work. Once again, the CSIC centers located on the Cantoblanco Campus participated in a joint event, "All Science: CSIC Night at 12," held at the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid, both in the morning and afternoon.

The event features workshops and scientific demonstrations on materials science, biotechnology, physics, mathematics, food technology, and chemical technologies. The ICMAT conducts a workshop to explain the role that mathematics plays in an epidemic, with two sessions at 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM. The workshop will be led by Pablo Hidalgo, a predoctoral researcher at ICMAT and Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The future of partial differential equations, at ICMAT

Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT

Since 25 September 2023, the first week of Young Researchers in PDEs is taking place at ICMAT, a significant event featuring some of the most internationally renowned young researchers in the field of partial differential equations (PDEs). Within the workshop programme, which extends until 6 October 2023, there are two mini-courses, 18 invited presentations, 23 contributed talks, and a poster session where recent results from various subareas within PDE analysis will be presented. Registration Open for BYMAT, the Gathering of Young Mathematicians

ICMAT will once again host the BYMAT congress, Bringing Young Mathematicians Together, uniting young mathematicians from diverse regions and disciplines. From 13 to 16 November 2023, Ph.D. students, master's students, final-year undergraduates, and young Ph.D. holders will convene to exchange experiences, showcase their work, and cultivate new collaborations. Interested participants can register on the event's website, with funding opportunities also accessible for master's students.

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In the fall of 2023: Thematic Research Program on PDEs and Bayesian Machine Learning Year at ICMAT

ICMAT. Image: Íñigo de Amescua/ICMAT
This year, the Institute is hosting several thematic programs and a thematic year, each encompassing conferences and various activities dedicated to diverse research topics. The current ones are:
Currently visiting ICMAT
  • Taro Sakurai (Universidad de Chiba), until 29/09/2023
  • Jonathan Hickman (University of Edinburgh), until 30/09/2023
  • Itamar Oliveira (University of Birmingham), until 30/09/2023
  • Luz Roncal (BCAM), until 30/09/2023
  • Yao Yao (National University of Singapore), until 30/09/2023
  • Carlos García Meixide, until 16/10/2023
  • Gonzalo Garcia de Polavieja Embid (Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon), until 21/12/2023
  • Alberto Vergel Otero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), until 29/12/2023
  • Manuel Lainz (CUNEF), until 31/12/2023
  • Edmundo José Huertas Cejudo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares), until 24/01/2024
You have more information about the people who are visiting ICMAT here.
Next ICMAT activities
Until November 2023, ICMAT is organizing the following key activities:

8/05/2023 - 20/12/2023. Thematic Period on PDEs. Diffusion, Geometry, Probability and Free Boundaries
Furthermore, ICMAT hosts weekly thematic seminars where researchers from each area share their latest results. You can find the complete program of activities here.
Open Calls
Call for Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Doctoral Net-works (DN) of the Horizon Europe Program (HE). The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN) under Horizon Europe (HE) aim to foster international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary collaboration for the training of highly qualified doctoral candidates. Additionally, they strive to stimulate creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation both within and outside Europe.
Deadline: 28 November 2023

La "Caixa" Foundation Postdoctoral Junior Leader FellowshipsThe Postdoctoral Junior Leader Fellowships program is designed to attract outstanding researchers of any nationality who aspire to advance their research careers in Spain or Portugal within the fields of health and life sciences, technology, physics, engineering, and mathematics. The Junior Leader Postdoctoral Fellowship program consists of two distinct frames: the Incoming call and the Retaining call.
Deadline: 5 October 2023, 2:00 pm

European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant 2024 Call. The aim of Synergy Grants is to support a small group of two to four Principal Investigators (PIs) and their research teams (Synergy Group) in addressing ambitious research problems that could not be tackled individually.
Deadline: 8 November 2023, 17:00 (Brussels local time).

Programa de ayudas para el fomento de la cultura científica, tecnológica y de la innovación 2023. The Ministry of Science, through the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), allocates a budget of 5 million euros to finance communication and dissemination projects of public and private entities. The lines of action of this edition of the call for the promotion of scientific culture and innovation are the following: a) Science and technology social communication projects; b) Annual programme of activities of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Units, specialized in scientific journalism, dissemination and other scientific culture activities; c) Science Fairs, in which young non-university students, with the help of their teachers, exhibit experimental projects carried out in schools; d) Singular Projects.
Deadline: 10 October 2023

Bilateral Spanish-German Call for Research Projects. The objective of the call is to select research projects involving collaboration between Spanish and German groups. DFG will fund the German groups, and AEI will fund the Spanish entities through the direct grant procedure for 'Proyectos de Colaboración Internacional' (PCI), scheduled for the second semester of 2024.
Deadline: 25 October 2023

Funding for Master Students to attend BYMAT Conference 2023.

The objective of this funding is to facilitate the attendance of master's students at the BYMAT conference and provide them with the opportunity to deliver a short talk. There are two open calls:

  1. Funding for 10 students enrolled in a master’s degree program in the Madrid region that will cover the registration fee, allowing students to participate in the conference for free.

  2. Funding for 20 students enrolled in a master’s degree program in other Spanish cities that will cover the registration fee, as well as travel to Madrid and accommodation, including four nights of bed and breakfast in a nearby hotel.

Additionally, lunch and two coffee breaks (morning and afternoon) are included in the conference registration. All selected students will be required to give a short talk during the conference, lasting 5 to 7 minutes plus questions.

Deadline: 3 October 2023

Scholarships 2023-2024 for Postgraduate Students at the Residencia de EstudiantesThis program offers a stay at the Residencia de Estudiantes, providing an interdisciplinary group of young researchers with the opportunity to enjoy full board accommodation from 15 December 2023 to 14 December 2024. These six scholarships are aimed at postgraduate students in various fields, including Social Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Technology.
Deadline: 27 October 2023

Updating of the planned calendar of the calls of the State Agency Research. The objective of this document is to inform the scientific-technical community of the planning of the calls in progress that have not yet been resolved and those that will be published soon.
The ICMAT in the media

Here there is a list of some articles related to the Institute, published in August and September 2023 in the media.

Café y Teoremas, a section coordinated by the ICMAT in El País.

Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.
2023 Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

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