ICMAT Newsletter #4 - 2023

April at the ICMAT

Here is our fourth ICMAT monthly newsletter, which includes the latest news and forthcoming activities related to the Institute and its members.

The ICMAT organises a reseach programme on moduli spaces and geometric structures

Between the months of April and June, the Research Programme on Moduli Spaces and Geometric Structures is being held at the ICMAT. This is a very active field of research that involves various areas of mathematics -such as algebraic geometry, differential geometry, theory of representations or arithmetic geometry–, and also fields of theoretical physics, such as gauge theories and string theory. The programme is organized by the Hitchin-Ngô Laboratory of the ICMAT Severo Ochoa project. It includes three workshops, the first of which takes place from 24 to 29 April, and a series of seminars.
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ICMAT researchers prove a conjecture about “quantum harmonies”

Javier Parcet developed a project financed by the ERC to shape the non-commutative Calderón-Zygmund theory / Image: ICMAT

In 2019, during the Fourier Multipliers on Group Algebras conference held at the Université de Franche-Comté, Mikael de la Salle (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) conjectured the existence of certain transformations, which extended the excellent properties of singular integrals to other contexts that have their origin in quantum mechanics. In the audience was Javier Parcet –scientific researcher of the CSIC at ICMAT– who soon found connections between said conjecture and other singular operators, which led him to interpret the problem with some optimism. Now, four years later, he is publishing his results in the Annals of Mathematics journal together with José M. Conde-Alonso (Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Adrián M. González-Pérez (doctoral assistant professor at the same university) and Eduardo Tablate (PhD student). All of them are ICMAT researchers and have developed, or are developing, their doctoral theses with Parcet. The team gives a definitive answer: such quantum transformations do exist.
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Escuela JAE de Matemáticas 2023: Dive into mathematical research at the ICMAT this summer

Escuela JAE de Matemáticas / Image: ICMAT

For yet another year, the ICMAT organizes the Escuela JAE de Matemáticas, a meeting place for high-level researchers and final-year undergraduate and master's students interested in mathematics research. It will take place from 26 June to 7 July at the ICMAT and will include six introductory courses on various current mathematical research topics –among them, inverse problems, Banach lattice or classical and quantum game theory– and eight talks.
Registration is now open –through the following link– until 5 June. In addition, the ICMAT offers introductory research grants to cover a stay at the ICMAT, which include participation in the JAE School and also the development of a research project under the supervision of an ICMAT member, on one of the the topics offered. The objective of these grants is to make the beneficiaries aware of some of the ICMAT lines of research and, thus, introduce them to scientific activity.
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Registration open for the Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas (PIM) 2023/24
Image: ICMAT
After the success of the first edition of the Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas (PIM), a project that seeks to foster interest in mathematics among young people between the ages of 12 and 18, the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT), in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics of the University Autónoma de Madrid and the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME), launches a second edition. Registration is now open for interested parties.
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Chris Budd explains the math that confirms climate change
Chris Budd / Image: University of Bath
Chris Budd, author of the book Climate, Chaos and COVID. How Mathematical Models Describe the Universe, published this month, gave a conference with the same title on 24 April at the Residencia de Estudiantes (Madrid). It was part of the Mathematics in the Residence (Matemáticas en la Residencia) cycle, organized by the ICMAT, in collaboration with the scientific culture area of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and Residencia de Estudiantes. In it, he discussed the process of mathematical modelling, one of the most popular ways of applying mathematics to the real world. 

Right before his talk we had the opportunity to speak with him about mathematical modelling complex phenomena, as climate change, and told us things like this:

"Mathematical models show that the Earth's temperature will increase and that this depends on human activity"

Here you can read the whole interview.

2023: Thematic research programmes and one thematic year at the ICMAT
Image: ICMAT
This year the institute hosts several thematic programmes and one thematic year –each one including conferences, and other activities– dedicated to various research topics. Here you have the forthcoming:  Eight new researchers at the ICMAT 

In April 2023, the following people have joined the Institute as faculty:
  • Davide Barbieri (ICMAT-UAM)
  • José Ramón Berrendero (ICMAT-UAM)
  • Pablo Candela (ICMAT-UAM)
  • Ana Carpio Rodríguez (ICMAT-UCM)
  • María Jesús Carro Rossell (ICMAT-UCM)
  • Antonio Cuevas (ICMAT-UAM)
  • Arturo de Pablo Martínez (ICMAT-UC3M)
  • Julio Íñigo de Vicente Majúa (ICMAT-UC3M)
  • Ernesto Girondo (ICMAT-UAM)
  • Enrique González (ICMAT-UAM)
  • Gabino González (ICMAT-UAM)
  • Jesús Ángel Jaramillo Aguado (ICMAT-UCM)
  • Javier Soria de Diego (ICMAT-UCM)
  • Nuria Torrado Robles (ICMAT-UAM)
 Currently visiting the ICMAT...
  • María del Carmen Cortázar Sanz (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), until 13/05/2023
  • Jordi Gaset (UPM), until 31/05/2023
  • Dominik Francoeur (Newcastle University), until 01/06/2023
  • Alessandro Agnaldo Da Silva Junior (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Unicamp), until 19/06/2023
  • Alfredo Llosa Lazo (Université Paris-Saclay), until 30/06/2023
  • Hugo Boucherot (École Polytechnique), until 07/07/2023
  • Carlos E. González Guillén (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, UPM), until 30/08/2023
  • Víctor Manuel Jiménez Morales (UNED), until 31/08/2023
  • Alberto Vergel Otero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), until 29/12/2023
  • José Edmundo Huertas Cejudo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares), until 24/01/2024
You have more information about the people who are visiting the ICMAT here.

Next ICMAT activities
The following are the main activities hosted by the ICMAT until July 2023:

01/04/2023 - 30/06/2023. Research Programme on Moduli Spaces and Geometric Structures
  • 01/04/2023 - 30/06/2023. Moduli Seminar
  • 22/05/2023 -  26/05/2023. Higgs Bundles, Character Varieties and Higher Teichmüller Spaces (together with the Research Programme on Geometric Group Theory and Low-dimensional Geometry and Topology)
  • 19/06/2023 - 23/06/2023. Gauge theory, Canonical Metrics and Geometric Structures
05/05/2023. Thesis Defense. "Supersymmetric Vertex Algebras and Killing Spinors", Andoni De Arriba De La Hera (ICMAT-CSIC). Advisors: Luis Álvarez Cónsul (ICMAT-CSIC) and Mario García Fernández (UAM-ICMAT)

08/05/2023 - 08/07/2023. Research Programme on Geometric Group Theory and Low-dimensional Geometry and Topology
05/06/2023 - 09/06/2023. Geometric Valuation Theory -from convex sets to functions workshop

12/06/2023 - 30/06/2023. ICMAT-IMAG Doc-Course in Functional Analysis

26/06/2023 - 07/07/2023. Escuela JAE de Matemáticas 2023

10/07/2023 - 11/07/2023. XV International ICMAT Summer School on Summer School on Geometry, Dynamics and Field Theory

12/07/2023 - 14/07/2023. Dynamical Systems, Mechanics and Control. A workshop in honor to Anthony Bloch

In addition, the ICMAT hosts weekly thematic seminars, in which researchers from each area share their latest results. You can check the complete programme of activities here.

Open calls
Severo Ochoa Grant Programme for Introduction to Research (INTRO-SO) 2023. These grants aim to introduce students to ICMAT’s up-to-date research lines by pursuing a short research project at the Institute for a period of up to two months and participating in the JAE School that will take place at ICMAT from 26/06/2023 to 07/07/2023. Awardees will be assigned an ICMAT researcher as a tutor. The grants are intended for undergraduate students in the final two years of the degree. Master’s students may exceptionally be considered. Application period: until 04/05/2023.

JAE Intro Program. The JAE Intro program calls for scholarships at CSIC centers aimed at university students interested in starting a research career. This scholarship program provides an approach to a research career for those students who want to take their first steps in the world of research, giving them, on the one hand, the opportunity to enjoy the possibilities offered by the CSIC Centers and Institutes in its different scientific areas and, in turn, promoting an introduction to cutting-edge knowledge of scientific issues and scientific praxis. Application period: until 15/05/15/2023

Fundamentals Research Program BBVA Foundation. Concession of financial aid for the development of fundamental research projects in several areas of knowledge, including Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence. Application period: until 6:00 p.m. from 30/05/2023.

Grants for the creation of CSIC Scientific Networks (CONEXIONES-CSIC). The purpose of this call is to stimulate the collaboration of CSIC research groups on priority issues, financing with own resources the creation of new CSIC-Connections that can become CSIC research networks. Up to 5 grants will be financed for a maximum amount of 200,000€ each, and with a validity of up to 2 years.
Application period:
  • Phase I (Expressions of interest): From 27/03/2023 to 21/04/2023 (2:00 p.m.).
  • Phase II (Complete proposal): From 30/05/2023 to 16/06/2023 (2:00 p.m.).

The ICMAT in the media

Here there is a list of some articles related to the Institute, published in April 2023 in the media.

Café y Teoremas, section coordinated by the ICMAT in El País.

And more...
  • The talk that Pablo Hidalgo, pre-doctoral researcher at ICMAT, gave about Maryna Viazovska on the occasion of February 11, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, is now available on YouTube.
Keep in touch
Have we forgotten anything? Do you want to add any news, visit or upcoming activity? Please, do not hesitate to write us at communication@icmat.es and we will include the information in the next newsletter.
2023 Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

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