My research interests are mostly in partial differential equations, fluid mechanics and spectral theory. Here you can find a few papers that illustrate my latest research interests. My full publication list is here.

3D Euler, Navier-Stokes and MHD equations; vortex structures and Beltrami fields

- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, Obstructions to topological relaxation for generic magnetic fields, preprint.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, A. Romaniega,
Beltrami fields exhibit knots and chaos almost surely, Forum Math. Sigma, in press.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, F. Torres de Lizaur,
Knotted structures in high-energy Beltrami fields on the torus and the sphere, Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Sup. 50 (2017) 995-1016.
- A. Enciso, R. Lucà, D. Peralta-Salas,
Vortex reconnection in the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, Adv. Math. 309 (2017) 452-486.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Existence of knotted vortex tubes in steady fluid flows, Acta Math. 214 (2015) 61–134.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Knots and links in steady solutions of the Euler equation, Ann. of Math. 175 (2012) 345–367.

Low regularity solutions and singularity formation for incompressible fluids

- D. Córdoba, A. Enciso, N. Grubic, Finite time blow-up for angle-crested water waves, preprint.
- A. Enciso, J. Gómez-Serrano, B. Vergara,
Uniqueness, convexity and sharp asymptotics for Whitham's highest wave, preprint.
- D. Córdoba, A. Enciso, N. Grubic,
Local wellposedness for the free boundary incompressible Euler equations with interfaces that exhibit cusps and corners of nonconstant angle, Adv. Math., in press.
- A. Enciso, A. Luque, D. Peralta-Salas, MHD equilibria with nonconstant pressure in nondegenerate toroidal domains, J. Eur. Math. Soc., in press.
- D. Córdoba, A. Enciso, N. Grubic, Self-intersecting interfaces for stationary solutions of the two-fluid Euler equations, Ann. of PDE 7 (2021) 12.

Spectral geometry, nodal sets of eigenfunctions, random monochromatic waves

- A. Enciso, A.J. Fernández, D. Ruiz, P. Sicbaldi, A Schiffer-type problem for annuli with applications to stationary planar Euler flows, preprint.
- A. Enciso, A. García-Ruiz, D. Peralta-Salas, Localization properties of high energy eigenfunctions on flat tori, Int. Math. Res. Not., in press.
- A. Enciso, J. Gómez-Serrano, Spectral determination of semi-regular polygons, J. Differential Geom. 122 (2022) 399-419.
- A. Enciso, D. Hartley, D. Peralta-Salas,
A problem of Berry and knotted zeros in the eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 20 (2018) 301-314.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Eigenfunctions with prescribed nodal sets, J. Differential Geom. 101 (2015) 197–211.

Wave equations, Carleman estimates and anti-de Sitter spaces

- A. Enciso, A. Shao, B. Vergara, Carleman estimates with sharp weights and boundary observability for wave operators with critically singular potentials, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 23 (2021) 3459-3495.
- A. Enciso, N. Kamran,
Lorentzian Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity, J. Differential Geom. 112 (2019) 505-554.
- A. Enciso, N. Kamran, A singular initial-boundary value problem for nonlinear wave equations and holography in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spaces, J. Math. Pures Appl. 103 (2015) 1053–1091.

Critical points and level sets of solutions to PDEs; global approximation theorems

- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, Approximation theorems for the Schrödinger equation and quantum vortex reconnection, Comm. Math. Phys. 387 (2021) 1111-1149.
- A. Enciso, M.A. García-Ferrero, D. Peralta-Salas,
Approximation theorems for parabolic equations and movement of hot spots, Duke Math. J. 168 (2019) 897-939.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Submanifolds that are level sets of a solution to an elliptic PDE, Adv. Math. 249 (2013) 204–249.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Critical points of Green’s functions on complete manifolds, J. Differential Geom. 92 (2012) 1–29.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Critical points and level sets in exterior boundary problems, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 58 (2009) 1947–1970.

Overdetermined elliptic boundary value problems

- M. Domínguez-Vázquez, A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, Overdetermined boundary problems with non constant Dirichlet and Neumann data, Anal. PDE, in press.
- M. Domínguez-Vázquez, A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Piecewise smooth stationary Euler flows with compact support via overdetermined boundary problems, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 239 (2021) 1327-1347.
- M. Domínguez-Vázquez, A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
Solutions to the overdetermined boundary problem for semilinear equations with position-dependent nonlinearities, Adv. Math. 351 (2019) 718-760.

Hamiltonian and volume-preserving dynamics

- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, A. Romaniega, Non-integrability and chaos for natural Hamiltonian systems with a random potential, preprint.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas,
A problem of Ulam about magnetic fields generated by knotted wires, Ergodic Th. Dynam. Syst. 39 (2019) 2048-2070.
- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, F. Torres de Lizaur,
Helicity is the only integral invariant of volume-preserving transformations, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 113 (2016) 2035–2040.


- A. Enciso, D. Peralta-Salas, F. Torres de Lizaur, Quasi-periodic solutions to the incompressible Euler equations in dimensions two and higher, J. Differential Equations, in press.
- A. Enciso, M.A. García-Ferrero, D. Peralta-Salas,
The Biot-Savart operator of a bounded domain, J. Math. Pures Appl. 119 (2018) 85-113.