This issue of the ICMAT Newsletter is devoted largely to Mathematical Biology. Along with the news, agenda and editorial sections, the newsletter includes two reports, three interviews, the sections ‘Scientifc reports’ and ‘Personalities’.

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Table of contents:

  1. Editorial: "Mathematical Biology, an interdisciplinary future”.
  2. Report: The strange relation between numbers and neurons.
  3. Report: Differential equations against HIV.
  4. Interview: Philip K. Maini, Professor of Mathematical Biology at Oxford University.
  5. Interview: Ingrid Daubechies, former chair of the International Mathematical Union.
  6. Interview: Mats Gyllenberg, researcher in biomathematics at the University of Helsinki.
  7. Profile of Jerry Bona, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
  8. Profile of Mª Ángeles García Ferrero, young researcher at ICMAT.
  9. Scientific review.
  10. ICMAT news & Agenda.