Geometric criteria for overtwistedness

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SO(p, q)Higgs bundles and higher Teichmüller components

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On higher dimensional singularities for the fractional Yamabe problem: a nonlocal MazzeoPacard program

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Fourier series in BMO with number theoretical implications

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Splash Singularities for a General Oldroyd Model with Finite Weissenberg Number

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Resolution of non-local equations

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Perturbations of elliptic operators in 1-sided chord-arc domains. Part I: Small and large perturbation for symme-tric operators

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Estudio de L2-números de Betti

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Global smooth solutions for the inviscid SQG equation

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Estudiando la formación de gotas y burbujas

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Sobre grupos de Mordell-Weil y congruencias

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Cotas independientes de la dimensión para transformadas de Riersz no conmutativas en álgebras de von Neumann

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Un método matemático logra que un dron subacuático alcance una velocidad sin precedentes

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SCIENTIFIC REVIEW: A resolution of Guth’s conjecture regarding the Kakeya problem on algebraic varieties

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Matemáticas para prever colisiones de asteroides con la Tierra

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Matemáticas para predecir el movimiento de los puntos de máximo calor

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Brauer correspondent blocks with one simple module

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Long term dynamics for the restricted N-body problem with mean motion resonances and crossing singularities

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Gravitating vortices, cosmic strings, and the Kähl er–Yang–Mills equations

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Models for predicting traffic

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Existencia de estructuras Engel

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