The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT-Institute of Mathematical Sciences) in Madrid has just launched its Research Labs programme, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science. One of these Labs will focus on low-dimensional topology and geometric group theory, and will have Ian Agol as Lab Chair (see the Lab website). There will be periods of intense activity around Agol’s visits to ICMAT, plus other regular activities, all funded by the Lab.

Within this framework, ICMAT offers one two-year postdoctoral appointment for a researcher with an excellent curriculum who wishes to pursue his/her research career at ICMAT. The potential candidate will have research interests compatible with those of the members of the Lab, which include: geometry and topology of low dimensional manifolds, geometric group theory, asymptotic invariants of groups, etc. The local members of the Lab include: Yago Antolín, Javier Aramayona, Alejandra Garrido, Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain, David Torres-Teigell and Carolina Vallejo.

The starting date will be between 1 October and 31 December 2021.

Shortlisted applicants may be interviewed (online) as part of the application process.

Deadline May 1, 2021

How to submit your application

Interested applicants should complete the on-line form not later than May 1. Moreover, the following documents in PDF are requested (note the limitations in the number of pages):

  • Full curriculum vitae.
  • Research statement (5 pages max.).

Additionally, two recommendation letters are necessary to complete the application. The applicant should contact the referees and ask them to submit their letters to the email address no later than May 1, 2021; the ICMAT will not contact them.

For more information, send an email to