This issue pays particular attention to two important mathematical events that took place last summer: the 10th Congress of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), hold in Madrid, and the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), hold in Seoul (South Korea) . Along with the news, agenda and editorial sections, the newsletter includes two reports, four interviews, the sections ‘Scientifc reports’ and ‘Personalities’.

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Table of contents:

  1. Editorial: "The ICMAT attends the great congress of mathematics”.
  2. Report: "Breaking Barriers”.
  3. Profiles & Scientific reviews: ICMAT Researchers at the ICM.
  4. Report: Mathematicians take Madrid.
  5. Interview: Cèdric Villani, Fields medallist 2010.
  6. Interview: Hélène Esnault, expert in Arithmetic Geometry.
  7. Interview: Carmen Vela, Spanish Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation.
  8. Profile : Standley Oshen, 2014 Gauss prize winner.
  9. Interview: Ángel Castro, José Luis Rubio de Francia 2013 award.
  10. ICMAT news & Agenda.