The field of quasiconformal mappings has had a striking impact in many areas of mathematics, ranging from differential geometry, partial differential equations, complex dynamics, inverse problems, random geometries, and the calculus of variations. A central figure in the quasi-world has been and continues to be Professor Kari Astala from the University of Helsinki.
This workshop is devoted to celebrating the birthday of Kari Astala and his numerous collaborations and contributions to the development of mathematics in Madrid. Kari has been visiting the UAM-ICMAT regularly for the last 40 years, starting when he visited Josechu Fernández at UAM in the eighties.
Kari's contributions have been manifold, including directing an ICMAT Laboratory, becoming a Severo Ochoa distinguished professor, and even winning an Advanced ERC Grant Quamap (Quasiconformal mappings and applications) with a node at UAM and another at CSIC. He has also been collaborating with the Agapi (Analysis and Geometry with applications to Inverse Problems) research group since its very origins. Therefore, we invite you to take part in this three-day workshop co-organized by Agapi, Quamap, ICMAT and UAM.
For those who have registered for the social dinner, the price will be 52 euros for meat/fish or 42 euros for vegetarians. It will be held at a traditional Basque restaurant located near Sol:
Date: Thursday, June 6th. 19:30-20:00
Venue: Zerain
For more information about the restaurant and directions on how to get there, please visit their website.
We look forward to your presence!