The "Thematic program on geometric group theory and low-dimensional geometry and topology" at ICMAT (Madrid) will take place between 8th May and 7th July 2023. It is part of the activities organized by Agol Lab, funded through ICMAT's Severo Ochoa excellence award.
- Week 1 - 22-26 May 2023: Higgs bundles, character varieties and higher Teichmüller spaces (organized by the ICMAT's Hitchin-Ngo Lab)
- Week 2 - 12-16 June 2023: Workshop on Orderings and Groups
- Week 3 - 26-30 June 2023: Workshop on Profinite Rigidity
- Week 4 - 3-7 July 2023: Group actions and low-dimensional topology, a conference in El Barco de Ávila (Spain)
In addition, we will have a series of seminars given by the various program's visitors.
Funding has been decided and funding offers have been communicated. We have prioritized early-career researchers and long term-visitors.